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Pelosi: Heretic Extraordinaire and Lover of Perversion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Pelosi: Heretic Extraordinaire and Lover of Perversion

June 17, 2014



Over at The Intelligent Catholic’s Guide website, Maureen Williamson describes the recent actions of politicians, most of whom I suspect are in the Democratic Party, and who include former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, urging the Archbishop of San Francisco not to participate in the rally and march in support of traditional marriage scheduled this Thursday in our nation’s dysfunctional capital.

The inanity of the content of Pelosi’s letter aside, the Church has always taught that repeated actions against its teachings by anyone is prima facie evidence of sins that warrant the consideration of excommunication. Pelosi has reached that threshold several times; yet, that formal excommunication will not happen, and failure by Archbishop Cordileone to take appropriate action against Pelosi will only beget further attempts by her to demand a surrender on other parts of the Church doctrine, of that I am sure.

Still, the sheer gall of such a request to an Archbishop by a “Catholic” in good standing can only be described as chutzpah of high order. Thucydides had it right: For human nature is as surely made arrogant by consideration as it is awed by firmness.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Ms. Pelosi is a scoundrel of the first order. The failure of the Church to discipline her is at least partially responsible for her nonchalant attitude toward the federal Constitution, which itself contains its own disciplinary provision intended specifically for the likes of Pelosi, et al. But as Jefferson noted so long ago, impeachment is rarely a scarecrow. I guess excommunication from the Church, or the mere threat of it, is too.

Here we see yet one more example of the exact opposite of a principle I have always instilled in my own children, namely don’t be negatively influenced by others, rather exert a positive influence on others. In this my children have failed as well, as all of us has to one extent or the other. The difference being that when they flout their responsibilities, my children are swiftly disciplined within the family for their indiscretions. One suspects Ms. Pelosi never faced the wrath of a proper father either. Poor soul.

Laura writes:

I believe Pelosi has already incurred automatic, or latæ, excommunication by virtue of her public support for abortion, but this excommunication has not been formally recognized by the counterfeit Conciliar Church.

Don Vincenzo writes:

Allow me to add a coda to my earlier post regarding the Pelosi request (demand?) that Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco not attend the March for Marriage scheduled for tomorrow.

In his response, the cleric noted that:

Simply for taking a stand for marriage as it has been understood in every human society for millennia, people have lost their jobs, lost their livelihoods, and have suffered other types of retribution, including physical violence.” (Emphasis mine.)

Because of the refusal of the MSM to report such incidents of physical violence, it is my contention that homosexual groups have become more emboldened, and now are not worried about the legal penalties facing them that were in play not that long ago. An incident in Italy late in May shows the results of how laxity in enforcement of law can morph into something far more serious.

Anyone who has visited Rome for the past 20 years knows of the hordes of Francophone Africans who line the streets selling faux Gucci bags and other paraphernalia, almost all of them without appropriate licenses. Until now, when either a patrol car from the Carabineri (National Police), or the Finance police was spotted, these vendors would collect their wares and move on.  No more.

Over the past ten years thousands of these “vendors” have arrived in Italy (26,000 Francophone “refugees” arrived in the first quarter of 2014 alone) and their far greater numbers, plus an awareness that no penalty would ensue from their actions has emboldened these men to defy, even physically, the police. On May 30, the day before I left Rome, a group of Senegalese “vendors” selling their faux items refused to leave when ordered to, and physically attacked the police, something unheard of before.

What Archbishop Cordileone wrote about the use of physical violence or intimidation is a truism regardless of the subject under discussion. With increasing boldness, not new as a tactic for the homosexual lobby – how many recall their entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral and throwing condoms to the parishioners? – this administration’s pandering to their perversion will only increase the level of violence and the incidents of confrontation, few of which will ever make the evening news, unless one of the homosexuals is injured.

For far too long the Church’s hierarchy has taken a benevolent, but sophomoric, approach to dealing with homosexuals. I recall posters in Rome two decades ago claiming, “Hate the sin, but love the sinner,” as if the two could be separated. But as Robert Reilly has just documented in his book, Making Gay OK, (Ignatius Press), the Church’s hierarchy is being played as if it were a fiddle by major manipulators. The sooner they realize that, the better off they, and the Church, will be.

Laura writes:

Public approval of homosexuality tends to make homosexual revolutionaries angrier, not less angry.

This is understandable. Surrounded by approval, they are less accustomed to, and able to tolerate, disapproval. Since disapproval will never vanish, they become more hostile the more homosexuality is accepted. I think you are right that there will be more violence.

Laura adds:

It is possible to hate the sin and love the sinner. In fact, hating the sin is loving the sinner.

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