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Persecution in Syria « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Persecution in Syria

June 25, 2014



I recently received a short video clip – just more than one minute – that has haunted me ever since I saw it more than a week ago. About a dozen men who were guarding a hospital in Aleppo in western Syria were captured by Sunni rebels, hogtied and executed in a barbaric way, all of which is visible in the clip. The men are young, but what struck me is their total composure in facing death by their Islamic captors, something that I cannot get out of my mind. What was the heinous crime for which they were killed? They were professed Christians, and they were living – or should I say dying? – proof of what awaits Syria if the Bashad al-Assad government falls.


Nearly two years ago, I detailed on Lawrence Auster’s website the wanton indifference by U.S. and Western governments to the fate of Catholics and other religious minorities in the region, including those speaking Aramaic – the language spoken by Christ. I wrote then: The attempt by Sunni Muslims and their surrogates to remove the last remnants of Christianity in Syria is plainly visible to anyone. That situation has not changed.

I also chronicled the efforts by a Mother Superior Agnes Miriam de la Croix of the Catholic convent in Homs, also in Western Syria, who spoke openly of the “disinformation” by the Western media about the events then transpiring there. Now Trappist nuns from Valserena in northern Italy have also added their voices to the truth about what is happening in one of the cradles of the Church. In an interview they state: Some who claim to be combating the (al-Assad) regime seem just as hell bent on killing maiming and inflicting evil upon the people of Syria, and, in particular, upon the Christians of that ancient land. Our Christian faith precedes in time and history the presence of Islam in Syria.

While these brave religious pray for the survival of the faith, the world’s powers, save Russia, appear tone-deaf to events which will spell a catastrophe for the region. Diplomatic efforts by the Vatican’s modernists appear unable to influence and restrain these Muslim acts of unimaginable violence. No words of reproach are uttered lest they shatter the chimera of ecumenism. In the meantime, hordes of Syrians are leaving their villages and appearing at the Lebanese border.

I ended my earlier commentary, as I will end it now, with the words of St. John Chrysostom: How can you be excused if when others are persecuted, exiled and otherwise harassed – you do not exert yourself for your distressed people either by your presence or by your teaching.

[UPDATE, June 26,2014]

Don Vincenzo writes:

I am not a clairvoyant and have never made any claim to be, but in my posting about the destruction of Syrian (and Iraqi) Christianity, I ended the piece these words: In the meantime, hordes of Syrians are leaving their villages and appearing at the Lebanese border.

The following day, the Reuters News Agency ran a story entitled, Car bombing shakes suburban Beirut,

and included the following:

A suicide bomber blew up his car in southern Beirut on Monday night near an army checkpoint, killing himself and wounding 19 people watching the soccer World Cup in a nearby café.

The bombing came just thee days after a failed attempt to kill on of the top security officials in Lebanon, which has suffered a wave of sectarian violence (emphasis mine) linked to the civil war in neighboring Syria.

Does any U.S. or Western government official not see that behind all of this planned and orchestrated violence is the Islamic dream – a Christian nightmare – to rebuild the Caliphate from the Euphrates to the Mediterranean?

One need not be clairvoyant to do so.

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