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Prayer — and Relief « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Prayer — and Relief

June 21, 2014


KARL D. writes:

I want to share something extraordinary with you that happened to me the other night.

First, a little on my religious background. My father is an atheist Jew who was raised by observant Jewish parents, while my mother who was raised Catholic became an Episcopalian. Yet in recent years she has been moving back towards her Catholic faith due to her disillusionment with the now very liberal Protestant church. I however was not raised with religion in my life at all. We celebrated Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter in strictly secular ways. It was all Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny with some Christian information entering my young brain through my mother and the media.

My mother wanted to send me to Sunday school, but my father being an atheist of the angry variety refused. To give you an idea how angry he was, when my half sister was around three or four (I was 22 at the time), she noticed I was wearing a crucifix. She asked me what it was. When I began to explain my father immediately cut me off and told me not to say anymore. He didn’t want to fill her head with “that stuff.” But I digress. By the time I was nineteen my parents had been divorced nine years and my mother kept bothering me to get baptized as she was in fear for my very soul. To please her I went ahead and did so and was baptized into the Episcopal church.

Throughout the years following my baptism, I have studied Christianity and its history from time to time. I have never really attended church but I do consider myself a Christian. Even if I had never been baptized I would still have considered myself a Christian. I also defend Christianity whenever I can. That being said I have never really prayed. I have never been the praying type. But something extraordinary happened the other night. I suffer from debilitating headaches. They are migraines that are brought on due to neck injuries I have sustained. They call them “Cerviogenic Migraines.” When they happen they often last up to 24 hours and are absolutely horrible. The pain is excruciating and all-encompassing. You can’t eat, read, move or do anything except lie down in a dark room and try and sleep as unconsciousness is the only relief. No medication or anything else ever seems to work.

The other night I had one of these headaches. On a scale of one to ten, this one was a ten! The pain was so bad I couldn’t even fall asleep. I started to pray to Jesus and the Holy Mother of God to help me. I thought of Jesus and the warmth and maternal love of Mary and just kept praying. Within three or so minutes, I could actually feel the pain subside as if someone had turned down a volume knob! I felt the muscles actually loosen in my neck and shoulder. I was dumbfounded and actually began to weep. I just kept thanking Jesus and Mary and I must have fallen asleep. I woke up about four hours later. The headache was still present but had gone down to about a two or a three. By morning it was completely gone. This completely blew my mind as nothing like this has ever happened to me before, for the pain to drop as quickly as it did and to actually feel everything loosen up right after praying. I have had these headaches for years and this has never happened before.

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