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Support from Readers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Support from Readers

June 24, 2014


JOHN from Vermont sent this note along with a donation:

Thank you for The Thinking Housewife. I stumbled upon it a couple months ago and reading it has become a daily habit and joy ever since. Your reflections and thoughts help me to understand better our place in the world and healthy relations within the family and in society. I am agnostic and even a borderline atheist (I don’t say this with pride or even easily) although wondering about God and a transcending order in life preoccupies much of my conscious thought. I struggled to understand your objections to the Founding of our country and wouldn’t agree to the alternative discussed in the ensuing dialogue. Yet when I read something like “Two Kingdoms” or “The Finest Occupations” or your thoughts about the industrialization of pizza, I know you have nailed it like few others. There is so much you eloquently weave together in TH by drawing upon obviously deep reading and reflection in history, religion, philosophy and psychology – with good helpings of common feminine sense into the bargain – that a “grossly untutored” reader such as myself is forced to respect your intelligence, independence and courage. It is not about whether I agree or dissent from your opinions or those in the responses. It’s about your invitation and your challenge to think about the weightiest matters in life. I hope you will accept this modest contribution in gratitude and appreciation for your good work and in the hope it will continue for a long, long time.

Laura writes:

Thank you very much for your encouragement and generosity.

Charles from Indianapolis writes:

You are quite a writer. I am a 51-year-old male from a leftist background, but I find myself questioning those beliefs more often. You are very thoughtful, and I enjoy your writing. I am also, may I add, a very disillusioned Democrat. Soon to be, ex-Democrat.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

Mary writes:

Not to make you blush, but today I opened a document and named it TTH. In it I will copy some of the beautiful things you write, the ones that really strike me; the ones I wish I could remember word for word but never can. Now I can add to it, and refer back to it every now and then, rather than combing through your sizable archives wishing I could recall which topic contained the words I seek and failing. This will tide me over until you write your book.  : – )

By the way, here is the passage that moved me today: “All I can say is, the light of truth requires darkness in order to be seen. As St. John of the Cross said, ‘The Lord has always revealed to mortals the treasures of his wisdom and his spirit, but now that the face of evil bares itself more and more, so does the Lord bare his treasures more.’ In other words, what good there is seems all the more precious and beautiful. Or at least it does to me. We cannot reverse the general trend of things because it is caused by a worsening spiritual night. But we can rejoice in the truth and have confidence that the truth will outlive us all.

“Also, God loves it when wisdom is loved for its own sake, when there is no earthly reward.”

Laura writes:

Thank you for your appreciation.

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