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A Child’s Warning « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Child’s Warning

July 22, 2014


DOUG H. writes:

Yesterday while waxing the truck, my granddaughter, Hayley, came outside and asked if she could help. I got a small rag and put some wax on it for her. We worked on the truck and I tried to explain the concept of waxing the vehicles as she constantly queried. Within a short time, a typical North Florida afternoon thunderstorm rolled in. As it thundered in the distant, Hayley was concerned. She said, “PawPaw, we should go in. Lightening makes people dead.” I assured her we would be okay and would go in if it got worse. She pressed her concern and said, “PawPaw, lightening makes people dead. I don’t want you dead because you are my PawPaw and I love you.” It warmed my heart like nothing else could. I thought about how earlier in the day I had worried as usual over the turn our world seems to have taken, but just as the storm approaches, God sends rays of golden sunshine through the clouds to remind us He is in control and hope remains.

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