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Pedophilia at Disney World « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Pedophilia at Disney World

July 21, 2014


L.R. writes:

When reading of accused pedophiliacs being arrested at Disney World and charged with approaching teenage boys, it is important to recall that Disney has been more and more heavily pushing the “homosexual agenda” for quite a while now, even putting it into their channel’s children’s shows more and more all the time.

— Comments —

Jill Farris writes:

In the 1980s, friends of ours went to Disney World with a Christian youth group not realizing that Disney World had a regularly scheduled Gay Day. They were appalled to see homosexuals engaged in all kinds of perverse behavior all over the park.

It’s been going on for a long time. Our family tries very hard not to support Disney.

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