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Scientists Say Child Abuse is Good « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Scientists Say Child Abuse is Good

July 8, 2014


BUCK writes:

It appears that science is now “good enough” to make the claim that children of same-sex “parents” are, in some ways, happier and healthier than children parented by their gender-role trapped biological mums and dads.

— Comments —

Lance writes:

The “researchers” compared responses from a sample of self-selected homosexual couples with data (of a different type) on the general population.

1.  The homosexual couples are without doubt a sample that is biased towards higher incomes, education, and other resources.

2.  These variables—-and not homosexual pairing—almost certainly account for any alleged differences in children’s well-being.

3.  Apparently, the “researchers” didn’t think it was important to compare samples that differed only in homo- vs. normal pairing.  This suggests that they are petty, stupid, and yes, evil.

4.  They should have done a longitudinal cohort study, and compared (at the same time) families of kids who are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc., years old to see if there are changes in well-being over time.

5.  In sum, the “research” is gay.

Jeanette V. writes:

Here is a piece on the “study.”

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