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Sexual Anarchy Means Government Surveillance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sexual Anarchy Means Government Surveillance

July 6, 2014



It was not that long ago when both radio and television stations would feature a public service announcement over their airways which ended this way: It’s 10 o’clock in the evening. Do you know where your children are? I thought of that announcement recently when I read of a student whose actions betray any noticeable mark of living within a family structure.

In a recent article appearing in The Washington Post (June 30, 2014), we are informed what an 18-year-college student was doing at that time of night. According to the article, “Erin Cavalier downed a couple of glasses of wine and a few show of tequila, grabbed a water bottle filled with vodka and Sprite and headed out from her dormitory to celebrate the end of her first semester at Catholic University of America.” (Emphasis mine.)

After ingesting more alcohol in the form of mixed drinks and beer, and being in what she describes as “a stupor,” she asked for someone to help her walk to her room on the campus. A male student, “an acquaintance,” volunteered. What followed need not be described, but can be intuited, and the student has filed charges. One might have thought that a student in this predicament, especially at a putative “Catholic” institution of higher learning, would have been reluctant to give her name and pose for a photo for the story. She did both, willingly.

Aside from the question of whether a serious crime was committed, the actions of the University demonstrate, once again, the total abandonment of Catholic moral principles. This “student,” now a junior, was not asked to leave the university or face any disciplinary charges for her disgraceful and outrageous behavior, and now has become a campus celebrity as a “victim,” despite the university’s internal investigation that cleared the “acquaintance” of any wrong doing.

In all of this, I could only think of the parents of the “student.” To be charitable, perhaps they never heard the public service announcement.

Laura writes:

Apparently, both Cavalier and her acquaintance behaved outrageously.

I don’t think the problem here is her parents, but university standards. There was a time when a female college student, whether she was drunk or not, could not simply “sign in” a male visitor for the night. Men were not permitted in women’s dorms. And, as a result, there was no need for Congressional committees on campus sexual assault. Sexual freedom leads inexorably to government control. Catholic is one of dozens of colleges and universities currently undergoing government investigation because of campus sexual assaults.

The Sexual Revolution is an ever-unfolding disaster.

— Comments —

Buck writes:

How many young women got just as drunk as Erin Cavalier and had sex that night? Colleges and parents have their eyes closed.

Erin Cavalier downed a couple of glasses of wine and a­  few shots of tequila, grabbed a water bottle filled with vodka and Sprite, and headed out from her dormitory to celebrate the end of her first semester at the Catholic University of America.

After polishing off the mixed drink, the 18-year-old from Northern California started drinking beer at a party. She believes she started drinking at 10 pm. and stopped at about 12:30 am.

Cavalier described herself that night as “blackout drunk,” saying she “obviously had way too much to drink, and it was not a good idea on my end.”

I’m sure that she said that with a straight face.

I’m a healthy male, six-two, two hundred pounds. I’d be in the hospital after slamming down that much alcohol. Drink like that one time or see someone else and you never forget. She set out at 10pm with one purpose in mind; to relinquish every ounce of self-respect, self-control and personal responsibility for her own well-being. She offered herself up to whatever forces of good or evil that her automaton body might encounter. She walked out into public trashed when she stepped our her dormitory door. She continued on pace.

A toxicology report from the hospital showed that at 8:28 am., Cavalier’s blood alcohol level was 0.097, above the 0.08 legal threshold for drunk driving. Because blood alcohol level eventually diminishes after a person stops drinking, Cavalier’s attorneys believe hers was at or above 0.2 at the time of the incident, a high level of intoxication.

Alcohol dissipates from the body at a rate of about the equivalent of one drink per hour (a beer, wine, or shot) If Erin Cavalier had a BAC of 0.097 (five drinks worth) eight hours after she says that she stopped drinking, then she had to have consumed at least fifteen drinks between 10pm and 12:30 am. FIFTEEN drinks.

Okay. A young woman that stupid-drunk would be challenged to know what she is doing. Erin Cavalier is arguing that she knows what she did while in her binge-drunk condition, and that she knows what the accused male student, who she brought into her room, was doing. Can we safely assume that he was also drinking?

Erin Cavalier, unless she was a complete moron alien, just fell to Earth, determined to do what she did. Her plan was to completely incapacitate herself with alcohol, go out into public and put herself at the mercy of whomever she encountered. The subtext of her argument is that even though she knew with certainty, before drinking, that a binge-drunk stupor would incapacitate her, she was going to do it anyway because putting herself into that incapacitated state would provide her with a built-in opportunity to claim an abuse should a feeling of or an actual abuse take place. And futher that her incapacity would itself be a proof of any abuse, if needed, since any sex engaged in would by modern definition, be non-consensual. She is completely free to engage in any and all sex with impunity and full immunity from any claims that she is a slut. Getting drunk her shield.

The guy shouldn’t have had sex with her. Can a drunk give consent? How many equally drunk females, that very night, had sex but did not feel raped or claim rape? This has little if anything to do with free sex. Casual sex is a given and it’s incidental to this particular drama. No one, during whatever process winds this case up, is going to focus on unconstrained promiscuity. That’s long out of this realm. This is about power and radical autonomy. It might even be a calculated career move.

I know that sounds awfully cynical. But, it’s developing honestly.

Laura writes:

You write:

The subtext of her argument is that even though she knew with certainty, before drinking, that a binge-drunk stupor would incapacitate her, she was going to do it anyway because putting herself into that incapacitated state would provide her with a built-in opportunity to claim an abuse should a feeling of or an actual abuse take place.

Question: Where do you get the impression that she knew for a certainty that she was going to get drunk and that she knew she may have a sexual encounter or be attacked?

Buck writes:

She knew with certainty that she was going to get drunk because as she freely admits, she was already drunk when she left the dorm, (four drinks in rapid order) and then drank the mixed drink that she fixed in her water bottle, then continued to drink beer; and probably more. She would have to be a complete moron or someone who has never had a drink to not be certain. No one get quickly gets drunk at home, then takes liquor with them to a party where there is more. She was serious about getting hammered. No question about that. Alcoholics don’t drink that fast. She drank enough to get several grown men drunk. She as determined to get hammered and she did.

I didn’t mean to suggest that she knew that she may be attacked, if I did. The logic of her argument, and other arguments that I recall about this same thing: drunk women having sex then claiming abuse; proceed from these very circumstances. She, and any drunk young woman on campus can easily argue that they were too drunk and thus too incapacitated to consent to sex, whether or not they were too drunk or did consent to sex. They, like her, whether or not they are actual victims, can claim to be victims of sexual abuse. What is the male going to say? What should they say to daddy? I’m a slut, or I drank too much?

Buck adds:

These three sentences were quotes from the news story:

Erin Cavalier downed a couple of glasses of wine and a­ few shots of tequila, grabbed a water bottle filled with vodka and Sprite, and headed out from her dormitory to celebrate the end of her first semester at the Catholic University of America.

After polishing off the mixed drink, the 18-year-old from Northern California started drinking beer at a party. She believes she started drinking at 10 pm. and stopped at about 12:30 am.

Cavalier described herself that night as “blackout drunk,” saying she “obviously had way too much to drink, and it was not a good idea on my end.”

Laura writes:

Yes, of course.

She set  out to get drunk and she deliberately got drunk.

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