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Did Feminism Bring Happiness? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Did Feminism Bring Happiness?

August 8, 2014


Eve, Andrea del Castagno; 1450

Eve, Andrea del Castagno; 1450

KARL D. writes:

I thought you might find this article interesting. Its a few years old but still very relevant. It seems that one in four women in America is on some type of mood stabilizing or psychiatric drug. What is amazing is that throughout the article and in the comments section everyone is either scratching their collective heads or lashing out as to why this is? Could it be that the corner for which feminism has painted women into is making them miserable? Meaning, that they are now, for the first time in human history, taking on roles that go against their very nature as women? Could it be the myth of “having it all” has turned out to be an unobtainable fantasy? And finally, could it be that the thought of rejecting those roles for a more traditional role makes them feel like failures, selling out the “sisterhood” and being dupes? Hell, I would be depressed as well.

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