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More Lethal Kicks to the Head « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More Lethal Kicks to the Head

August 13, 2014



Unfortunately, I have another addition from my home town to your Summer Victims post.

Scott Simerson, who was white, was beaten and kicked while watching some kids on a playground in Grand Rapids, Michigan in May. He was defenseless and police say the attack was unprovoked. He finally died from his injuries this past Sunday. Four black males allegedly ganged up on him. The two who are being charged in the crime are Robert Kelly and Donmard White.


— Comments —

Dan R. writes:

Reading these accounts makes me heartsick.  In this instance, apparently a young man with a baby.  By now, “savages” goes without saying.  Like most, I hope they get locked up long enough so that they never again see the outside of a prison wall until they’re good and grey.

And then the thought comes to me, who is responsible for the environment in which they act?  That environment which tells them that whites are responsible for their hopelessness and must, undoubtedly, legitimize in their minds these acts of sick rage.  And I think–what a long list one could make, beginning with the obvious, the Sharptons and Jacksons; then extending to the news media, too cowed to speak the obvious truth of these atrocities; and on to the political parties, one of which feeds the environment and the other which mirrors the news media.  And finally, to those great black conservative hopes who arise periodically, beginning with Alan Keyes, and in the last election cycle, Herman Cain.  And presently, Allen West, and the greatest black hope of all, Dr. Ben Carson.  The latter two in particular strike me as good men, and were either the nominee I would probably vote for him, but each has been noticeably silent on this ongoing epidemic of black-on-white violence.  Yet, white conservatives will bend over backwards in promoting their candidacies.  Each scores high in online polls conducted by conservative websites.

You are among the voices in the wilderness, but gradually this will become too blatant to continue to ignore.  Will the [bleep] hit the fan?  It would seem inevitable.

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