More Reaction to Michael Brown Shooting
August 11, 2014

JONATHAN CAPEHART, of the Washington Post, says that he might someday be killed by a policeman too. He writes:
When you’re black and especially male — in the United States — you have to go to these seemingly overboard, extra lengths in the off-chance they might save your life. But none of those things would have helped me if I were in the shoes of Michael Brown or Renisha McBride or Trayvon Martin. We don’t know yet if Brown was asked for identification, but we know the other two weren’t. Perhaps their assailants saw all they needed to know.
What frightens me more than anything in the world is that the chances are very high that one day I might be in their shoes and might meet their tragic end. The so-called victims of the nonexistent “war on whites” have absolutely NO idea what living under that kind of siege, that kind of very real threat, is like.
Statistically, I believe it is much more likely that Mr. Capehart will be killed by a black mugger. Most of those protesting the shooting face a much greater likelihood of being killed by their neighbors or friends.
— Comments —
Josh F. writes:
It seems that Mr. Capehart would now have under serious consideration the idea of collective racial separation?
Buck writes:
“The so-called victims of the nonexistent ‘war on whites’ have absolutely NO idea what living under that kind of siege, that kind of very real threat, is like.”
What a joke. Jonathan Capehart is no more likely to be in the shoes of someone like Michael Brown than I am. Capehart attended Saint Benedict’s Preparatory School, then graduated from Carleton College. He was the youngest ever member of the New York Daily News editorial board, and everything went well from there. He’s a Pulitzer prize winner and and a 2011 Esteem Honoree for his support of African-American and LGBT communities. He’s a very successful, openly homosexual black male journalist riding high on the modern liberal media wave. Yet he continues to grind multiple axes. I guess that’s why they pay him, because he’s so oppressed.
Perfesser Plum writes:
Here are some data that support your reaction and Buck’s reaction to the Capehart article.
In 2011,
3, 172 Whites were murdered. 2,630 of their murderers were Whites; 448 were Blacks. 14% of Whites were murdered by Blacks
2, 695 Blacks were murdered. 193 of their murderers were Whites. 2, 447 were Blacks. 7% of Blacks were murdered by Whites.
[FBI stats.]
Mr. Capehart is correct. “When you’re black and especially male — in the United States — you have to go to these seemingly overboard, extra lengths in the off-chance they might save your life.” [Specifically, you have to stay away from other Blacks.]
“The so-called victims of the nonexistent ‘war on whites’ have absolutely NO idea what living under that kind of siege, that kind of very real threat, is like. [Except, he forgot to add, when Whites are living in an area with Blacks. Then, they have a pretty good idea.]
Perfesser Plum adds:
What does Mr. Capehart mean by “seemingly overboard, extra lengths”?
Long pants dragging behind a schooner, perhaps.
George Weinbaum writes:
In 1979 I was living in Chicago. I saw an interview with Jesse Jackson (JJ) on television. JJ said when approaching an elevator bank, he would always get in the elevator which had a white or Asian male as opposed to the one which had a Black male. Imagine JJ said that. I doubt Capehart would understand why.
B.E. writes:
The FBI crime statistics need to be understood in light of a bias in their compilation. As victims, Hispanics are treated as a separate group, but as perpetrators, Hispanics are lumped together with whites. This has the effect of artificially inflating the rate of crime committed by “whites.”
Also, while the percentages of white-on-black and black-on-white murders are telling in and of themselves, they become more meaningful in light of the percentage of whites and blacks in the total population. Blacks are about 13% of the population, but commit murder at about eight times the rate of whites.
Incidentally, Hispanics commit violent crimes at a higher rate than whites, but at a lower rate than blacks.
Laura writes:
Thank you.