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One Woman Embraces Lies about Feminine Strength « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

One Woman Embraces Lies about Feminine Strength

August 8, 2014




Regarding “I am Woman:”

My friend Chrissy was obsessed with this notion that she could take on and fight men. I know it more than likely got her murdered! In my memoir, I wrote about how Chrissy sparred with my son’s father Rick, who was a black belt, and even though she was physically fit and strong for a woman, she never had one little chance of superiority strength-wise.

I also wrote about how Chrissy made it a point of bossing men around and provoking fights. When she did this on our vacation in Vegas, she was almost beat up and killed the first time it happened. The second time, if there was one—-no one will ever know I suppose, but ‘someone’ took her life.

I’ve always felt that her belief she was as strong as men had something to do with her murder.


Are women really this STUPID?

— Comments —

George Weinbaum writes from Houston:

Are women really this stupid?

Some are.  About 20 years ago I was in a bar near Bronson Avenue on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles.  Next to me drinking a beer was a woman who was about 5′ 9″, 120 pounds.  She looked like a decent wind would blow her over.  A man about 6′ 4″ and 220 pounds walks in.  She immediately challenges him to a fight.  I thought this was a scene from a bad movie. The guy looks at her as if she’s crazy, finishes his beer and walks out.  The woman follows him outside and starts cursing him for being afraid of her.

She comes back in and I tell her, “Lady, you don’t now how lucky you are. Someday a guy like that will kill you in front of witnesses and it will be a clear case of self-defense.” Then I walked out.  Apparently I was too small to be a “challenge” to her.


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