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A Very Civil Arrest « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Very Civil Arrest

September 3, 2014


The Loiterers, Walter Osborne; 1888

The Loiterers, Walter Osborne; 1888

INĀ his short story “The Majesty of the Law,” the Irish writer Frank O’Connor describes the arrest of Old Dan Bride. (The story begins at page 30 in this online edition of his works.) It’s all civilized and orderly. You might say, both the arrest — and the crime — are quintessentially Irish.

A man’s shadow fell across the oblong of dusty light thrown over the half door before Dan looked round.

‘Are you alone, Dan?’ asked an apologetic voice.

‘Oh, come in, come in, sergeant. come in and welcome,’ exclaimed the old man, hurrying on rather uncertain feet to the door, which the tall policeman opened and pushed in.

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