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Cafeteria-Style Femininity « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Cafeteria-Style Femininity

September 24, 2014


MARY writes:

Kevin Williams wrote in his article, “Rape Epidemic Is a Fiction:”

“Evidence very strongly suggests that rapists frequently use intoxicants, openly or surreptitiously, as part of a strategy conceived with malice aforethought to render their victims vulnerable. It might be useful to know how often this is the case and how often it works or fails to work, but we will not know if we refuse to ask the question.”

In this late stage of moral decline can we actually be this guileless? Alcohol has been used since the beginning of time to lower defenses, in business, in politics, and, yes, for sex. Are we really going to put men who openly share alcohol and drugs with young women in the same category as those who do it surreptitiously? This is where the argument breaks down, for in one stroke they incriminate all college men looking for action – and it seems most are. So they are all rapists…? This presents a beautiful dilemma, simply solved, for if loosening up with alcohol and drugs in looking for action is an offense then it must be bad; if it is bad it must be discouraged; and it can be easily discouraged by putting men and women back in separate dorms, enforcing sobriety, banning pornography on campus, etc., etc. But, alas, the women are looking for action, too – just on their own terms. And they cannot see the forest for the trees.

Socially speaking, college campuses are populated with modern young feminists and men who desire them. Is being a cad now a capital offense? The elephant in the room is that feminism itself released these cads from the moral constraints that used to hold them in check; feminism unleashed these public-school-sex-educated men on young feminists, who are proving to be surprisingly vulnerable – they have been stripped of their erstwhile protections: modesty, embarrassment, sobriety, chaperones, wise mothers, strong fathers, and good old horse sense. Feminism bellowed, “We don’t need any stinking protection!”, and now resort to a sort of soft lynching to punish the cad: more legal overreach to try to “correct” human nature. This all leaves the modern young feminist looking helpless indeed.

There is a very real element of surrender in female sexuality which enhances physical relations for both men and women. This instinct enraged 60’s feminists, who worked feverishly to obliterate it. Young modern-day feminists inherit this mindset and perpetuate it, but they do so in complete blindness, missing so much of the lovely interplay between the sexes and the beautiful mysteries of male and female nature. They get glimpses of it and it makes them happy but they don’t recognize it for what it is. Theirs is a selfish, cafeteria-style femininity: choose only what you want and leave the rest.

It is truly tragic that new laws have to be created out of whole cloth to protect young women from young men in order to make up for what has been lost: real delight in sex differences; genuine regard, harmony and, yes, respect between the sexes; longer, happier marriages; lovely big families; close generations; stable society.

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