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Five Killed In Kansas City Suburb by Convicted Felon and Alleged Murderer of Teens in 1998 « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Five Killed In Kansas City Suburb by Convicted Felon and Alleged Murderer of Teens in 1998

September 12, 2014



Lorene and Darrell Hurst were among the victims.

THE victims include an elderly couple who was beaten to death and three others who were shot.

— Comments —

Jewel A. writes:

Looking at the photograph of the family in their dining room brings memories of my childhood home in another Kansas City suburb, in the home of my grandparents who lived in Merriam, Kansas.

The china cabinet was similar to my own grandmother’s and the spoon collection on the wall was the very same as hers. Even the lace topper on the dining room table was like the one in her dining room.  The home is where time stands still while all the insanity of the world rages without. That was the feeling I had whenever I visited my grandparents, and that is the reality we try to provide in our own home.

This is truly a heartbreaking story.

The murderer’s face is one of smirking contempt and pride. There is no remorse.

I’ve had it with tolerance. I’m done.

What will it take, Laura, to make us angry?

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