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Let Them Eat Diversity « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Let Them Eat Diversity

September 3, 2014


ADAM writes:

It seems absurd to me that this country rewards people who illegally cross the border with free, taxpayer-provided public schooling. Public schools were created for the education of American children. Citizens would not have been willing to fund public education with their property taxes if they knew that the money would not be used to educate local children, but rather would be used to help settle “refugees” in their communities.

According to our political elites, anyone in the world who feels in any way unsafe, poor, or oppressed in their home country has a natural right to live in the United States. It seems that these elites are determined to create a culturally incoherent, chaotic, and splintered society. It’s as if their dream of the future is for every American city to resemble the cantina scene from the first Star Wars film with its cultural and linguistic chaos and absence of rule of law.

The elites use our inner cities for social experimentation, social engineering, and international aid/development. The neighborhoods and schools of our cities are used as dumping grounds for “refugees” from some of the most violent and backward countries on the planet. All the while, the elites shelter themselves from the chaos they have created by living in upscale neighborhoods without a shred of the diversity they claim to hold dear, and their children are sent to expensive private schools with student populations that are overwhelmingly white, Asian, and Jewish.

“Diversity” is something for the American elites to rub in the noses of the American middle and lower classes.

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