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Sacrificing to the Moloch of Abortion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sacrificing to the Moloch of Abortion

September 23, 2014


AT Lifesitenews, Ben Johnson writes about the Scottish “poet” Leyla Josephine and her video on her abortion:

That intimation that her daughter died for “choice” – that she offered her baby as a living sacrifice on the altar of abortion – confirms the darkest rhetoric of the pro-life movement: That for some in the movement, abortion is sometimes regarded as an idol.

And that raises one other, more universally held question: What kind of parent asks his son or daughter to die for the “right” to abortion? Parents are supposed to be the one who sacrificially care for their children, who forsake their own comfort, who do whatever is necessary – even die – to keep their children safe, healthy, and well. Josephine’s blithe, “Sorry, but you came at the wrong time” sounds as hollow as a gangland assassin’s apology to the family caught in the crossfire of a drive-by shooting. Abortion severs the love that God, or Mother Nature, or evolution, or whatever you choose to believe in placed within every pregnant woman to link the mother to her child.

The abortion lobby’s rhetoric, which increasingly disregards the value of unborn life, is untethered by the bonds of human compassion, is fundamentally selfish and cold-blooded, and lacks a sense of humanity and brotherhood to the point of obliterating maternal love itself.

“Will a woman forget her child, so as not to have compassion upon the offspring of her womb?” God asks through the prophet Isaiah. “But if a woman should even forget these, yet I will not forget thee, saith the Lord.”

The pro-life movement exists precisely to set this upside-down order aright, to reinstate the natural love and compassion everyone should have for all of God’s creation – most especially that between a mother and the innocent child she has helped create and fashion with her own DNA.

— Comments —

Marija Slivans writes:

May I draw your attention to a typo that seems to have crept into this article?

… “that she offered her baby as a living sacrifice on the altar of abortion – confirms the darkest rhetoric of the pro-life movement: That for some in the movement, abortion is sometimes regarded as an idol.”

The dark rhetoric can’t be that of the pro-life movement, surely? And it doesn’t make sense that some in the pro-life movement would regard abortion as an idol. Did [Johnson] mean the pro-choice movement?

I had already heard about this woman on Twitter where several people condemned her, rightly calling her attitude depraved. Twisted and insane is how I would put it.

Laura writes:

Thank you. That’s an important correction. It was obviously a slip by Johnson, the author of the article.

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