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When We Possess the Past, We Possess the Future « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When We Possess the Past, We Possess the Future

September 9, 2014



“MEN have been put on earth to receive a little of that light of eternity as it descends on them. They become in some way eternal, they too, immortal, according to the extent to which they attach themselves to the truth of God. To the extent by which they attach themselves to the things that change, to moving things, they move away from God. And here it is that we feel a need. All men feel this need. They have in them an immortal soul which is already now in eternity, a soul which will be happy or unhappy, but it is a soul that exists. It will not die.

Every man who is born, who has a soul, has entered into eternity which is God. We cannot do without it. It is part of our lives. It is what is most essential to us. That is why men seek the truth, seek the eternal, because they have an essential need of eternity.”


“When we possess the past we possess the present and we possess the future. Because it is impossible, I say metaphysically impossible, to separate the past from the present and the future. Impossible! Then God would no longer be God! God would no longer be eternal! God would no longer be immutable. And then there would be nothing more to believe in. We would be completely in error.”

— Archbishop Marcel LeFebvre, Sermon at Ecône; September 18, 1977

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