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Another South African Victim « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Another South African Victim

October 28, 2014



THE end of white rule in South Africa has been a spectacular disaster for black South Africans and white Afrikaners. The soccer star Senzo Meyiwa is the latest victim of gun violence there. He was killed during a robbery.

More than 17,000 people were murdered in South Africa from April 2013 to March 2014, an increase of 800 deaths from the previous year.  The Western world deserves to share in the blame for these deaths, which were overwhelmingly committed by blacks. The West bullied South Africa relentlessly to abandon apartheid.

— Comments —

Ibtisaam Benzoin writes:

The forced migration system inherent to mining in South Africa DID significantly contribute to the collapse of family formation among black South Africans, which is a big contributor to crime. Furthermore, artificially limiting the educational and employment options of blacks, similarly to Communism where there is no point in excelling, DID foster a culture of complacency, mediocrity – not to mention latent anger and antagonism. Although I do think that there are elements of black CULTURE (not race) that are inimical to ideal civilization (lack of/indifference towards modesty, chastity, sobriety), it is simplistic to assert that it’s “because they are black.” Apartheid was a stupid system, mainly because it is unsustainable and harmful in the long run.

 Laura writes:

I did not simply assert “it’s because they are black.” If the crime rate was due to race alone, it would be unchanging. If the crime rate was caused by forced migration and limited opportunities, it would have been just as high under apartheid. By the way, Afrikaners brought many economic opportunities to South Africa that otherwise would not be there.

Let me suggest that the view you express — that these murders are justified — is exactly why the murder rate is so high in South Africa.

We don’t see this degree of rationalizing and excusing of violence with any other racial group.

Apartheid was a stupid system, mainly because it is unsustainable and harmful in the long run.

For a “stupid system,” it created prosperity and opportunity that were unknown in most of Africa. Blacks did not flee apartheid. It was “unsustainable” because Western countries refused to accept it. A society ridden with corruption and crime is far more unsustainable.

Mr. Benzoin writes:

I certainly do not think murders are justified.

On the contrary, I think the architects of Apartheid, who were Christians, were well aware of the shortcomings of black culture (no concept of sin, ambivalence towards chastity/sobriety/modesty) and total segregation was the best they could come up with.

Crime rates were lower under the apartheid system because they had the death penalty for rape and murder, and movement was strictly controlled.

I think it’s a red herring to say that Western boycotts ended Apartheid. The system itself was unsustainable, keeping 80% of the population artificially uneducated, creating more problems down the line.

I do think things are worse now – total lawlessness. I’m just saying Apartheid couldn’t have lasted.

Mr. Benzoin continues:

Another development in the soccer captain’s killing, is that apparently (I really don’t follow South African sport and celebrities at all) the slain soccer star had shacked up with his girlfriend (Kelly Khumalo) with whom he has a child. She has however been banned from attending his funeral, because he is still married to his wife, whom he just had just abandoned (I think there is a child there too.)

Just another example why affirmative action and the like won’t really dent the “inequalities” caused by Apartheid, because family formation among Black people remains dismal, even among “the elite”.

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