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Canada’s Muslims « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Canada’s Muslims

October 23, 2014



IN light of the two separate murders this week of Canadian soldiers by Muslim converts, it is worth reading this speech by Prime Minister Stephen Harper in February welcoming His Highness the Aga Kahn, who is honored by Ismaili Muslims as a direct descendant of Muhammad. (As usual the prime minister must ridiculously speak in both French and English.)

As we all know, Canada is home to a well-established and fast-growing Ismaili community. His Highness has therefore become an increasingly frequent visitor, and always a welcome one.

En fait, votre Altesse, vous n’êtes plus simplement un visiteur. Vous êtes maintenant citoyen canadien à titre honorifique.

I remember well, Your Highness, the day you accepted honorary Canadian citizenship – something agreed to by all parties of this House.

It was during the foundation ceremony of Toronto’s Ismaili Centre, Aga Khan Museum and Park.

I’m told construction there has gone well, and that the Centre will soon portray Islamic contributions to the enlightened pursuit of knowledge.

Et cette histoire, cataloguée avec soin, sera accessible à tous.

In any case, Your Highness, know this: When you are in Canada, you are home!

Dans quelques instants, Son Altesse nous fera part de quelques réflexions.

Our decision to extend Canadian citizenship to His Highness recognises the reality of values shared, and values acted upon. His Highness’s lifelong advocacy for humanitarianism, pluralism and tolerance has gone far beyond words.

Par exemple, le Centre mondial du pluralisme ici à Ottawa, a été établi en partenariat avec notre gouvernement au tout début de notre mandat.

His Highnesss’s Global Centre for Pluralism, here in Ottawa, advances good governance and engages with societies on the precipice of crisis.

Similarly, through the Aga Khan Development Network, His Highness has been tireless in humanitarian and development initiatives in Africa, in Asia, including in Afghanistan, where the Network continues to be a brave partner in Canada’s efforts to secure and improve the lives of Afghan citizens. [cont.]

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