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Decadent Portland « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Decadent Portland

October 17, 2014



JON D. writes:

As a Portland, Oregon resident, I think you and your readers should know some interesting facts about the liberal dystopia here:

1) Portland, Oregon has (or had) the most sex shops and strip clubs of any U.S. city. The concept of marriage being a sacrament is completely disregarded by Oregonians. They live promiscuously, like barnyard animals.

2) Portland is extolled as wonderful place for lesbians to live. Your readers can Google that. Of course little is told about lesbian couples penchant for domestic violence.

3) Despite all the pretensions of compassion and caring, Portland, and Oregon in general, has a huge homeless population. There are also large numbers of homeless women here. I am talking about rough sleepers; women who sleep outdoors. My first week in Oregon, I saw a woman living out of her car, trying to care for her 18-month-old baby. This was on a night when the temperature had plunged to freezing.

4) Oregon is the Appalachia of the west coast. Thanks to governmental liberal malfeasance, there simply are not enough jobs here. Most big industries (like Oregon Iron Works) depend on government contracts (handouts). Consequently, the industry here is really inefficient. I would say the various manufacturing concerns I have worked for scrap 20 percent of the products they make.



Posted by Laura Wood in Uncategorized