Local Custom
October 16, 2014
PAUL writes:
I was told in the last year that New Orleans was the only place in America where people in casual conversation with a newly met person routinely will ask what high school they went to once both know they are fellow Orleanians. We might get a clue as to their breeding/class and the people we both might know. Unusual considering the cosmopolitan nature of New Orleans.
The next question usually is, “When?” Pretty cheeky, but it happens more often than not. I don’t ask the year of a female unless she is significantly younger, my age, or older. Males always ask it of one another. And everyone, I am not exaggerating, knows several people you know. The metro area is a big small town of over one million. Louisiana has by far the highest percentage of people who have never left.
— Comments —
B.E. writes:
B.E. writes: Actually, asking “wea you grad?” (wea = where; grad = graduate) is common in Hawaii, especially in and around Honolulu, once it has been established that both people are “local,” i.e., from Hawaii. I don’t recall hearing “wen you grad,” but that could be because I am not “local” and so have never been a part of such conversations.
Paul T. writes:
The woman who is asked “When did you go to highschool?” has only to answer — “Same as everyone else, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.”
If the boor persists, one can always reply: “How much money do you make?” :)