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Men at Wellesley « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Men at Wellesley

October 21, 2014



THE masculinization of students at Wellesley College, the famous women’s institution in Massachussetts, began long before women started openly identifying themselves as men and having surgery to slice off their breasts. Femininity was marginalized in the feminist era in favor of male standards of achievement. Now there are enough “trans men” among students and alumni to create a club and to foster worries that these “men” may represent a threatening patriarchal influence at the tony school, which has an endowment of almost $1.7 billion.

For a glimpse of how mental illness and sexual perversion have gripped an entire institution, read The New York Times recent piece on the school.

Shouldn’t the school be concerned that women students becoming “men” are insulting women? After all, what’s wrong with being a woman? You would think a women’s college would be the first place where women could be talked out of wanting to be men. The spiritual mutilation of women has led logically to their physical mutilation with hormone therapy and surgery.

This whole thing exposes a deep lie behind feminist ideology at Wellesley and elsewhere — it’s based on envy of men.

Pauline and Henry Fowle Durant founded the college in 1870 in order to prepare women for “…great conflicts, for vast reforms in social life.” Their goal has been reached.

— Comments —

Mary writes:

Perhaps I shouldn’t but I do indeed find this conflict at Wellesley entertaining: one of feminism’s chickens coming home to roost. The NYT piece went on and on and on, describing in full detail through personal accounts how modern young women are deciding it’s actually preferable to be a guy, but persist in attending – beard stubble and all – an all-female college, and in the process become the “big men on campus”, easily filling prestigious positions and getting lots of dates, even getting groped. Fun!

Now at all-women colleges the same issues that feminism swore to eliminate rise again like specters via these women-who-become-men, as they assert their “rights” and usurp others in classrooms etc. – but now the real women on campus can’t speak out against them because evidently transgender trumps feminism and no one wants to offend them. On view but in a microcosm are the same jealousies, competitiveness, back-biting, etc. found in any normal social setting: so much for the idyllic sisterhood envisioned by feminism’s founders. It is simply fascinating to watch human nature prevail, while proving feminism to be the artificial construct it truly is.

The college “rape epidemic” is another example of this phenomenon of feminism being turned on its ear. After decades of mandatory sex-education and cultural training, young women have come to the conclusion that they don’t actually like drunken, unattached, uncommitted sex after all and are blaming their unhappiness on the boys who have drunken, unattached, uncommitted sex with them. This is surrender, as the only possible conclusion to be drawn is that men and women experience sex differently – i.e. have different, albeit complementary, natures. I suppose that could be considered a warped form of progress. But so much misery in the meantime: many more young women suffer sexually now than ever suffered before when care was taken. Many more are wounded or hardened or broken.

Interesting how these most perplexing conundrums are taking place on college campuses, the birthplace of feminism.

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