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Public Art / Public Junk « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Public Art / Public Junk

October 20, 2014


ANN H. writes:

Tucson is full of “art” such as the McCarthy sculpture in Paris. Tucson is a sanctuary city, full of illegal and legal immigrants from many different countries. The schools are the epitome of leftist ideology and the City Council is composed of Pelosi-type Democrats always in the majority. It is near the bottom of cities its size in income and jobs, near the top on crime. For those of us native to the city, it is a cultural, moral disaster.

A few years ago, across from a Catholic high school, the City put a piece of public art. People were outraged. It was pure ugliness and called “Splash.”  It was left brown to imitate the water that runs in the arroyos after rains.  I warned the artist that such a piece next to a Catholic school was a big mistake and suggested that he at least make the “water” blue.  He did not listen and within two days, the piece you see pictured below was “improved,” by the students no doubt. Each of the appendages had a black line painted a few inches from the end and on the very end was a black mark which took no imagination to know was meant to be a male’s urethra.

The piece was removed and put in a poor, primarily Mexican neighborhood, where I hate to think of the fate it met.


But we have gotten better in Tucson.  We do not have such ugly “art” anymore.  The picture below is circa 2010.


By the way, our bishop is Gerald Kicanas who turned the downtown Cathedral into a wax museum of the ugliest resin statues of our beloved saints .

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