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The White Response to Unspeakable Black Savagery « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The White Response to Unspeakable Black Savagery

October 27, 2014



WILL there ever be enough T-shirts and candles and stuffed animals and ribbons to console whites for the loss of relatives to crimes so brutal and sudden that they, the survivors, spend the rest of their lives stunned and uncomprehending?

— Comments —

Josh F. writes:

I’ve become very cynical about these events and their proliferating coverage amongst the “alternative” media.  The mind-boggling frame almost always portrays the same reactions consisting of a grief-stricken family of the victim who are nonetheless so deracinated that they cannot utter a single word of contempt for their loved one’s savage murderer AND a recalcitrant and delusional family of the perpetrator who literally scream, “We should able to murder whites with impunity!”  This diabolical frame is being repeated over and over again throughout all media with the mainstream media, every once and a great while, catching hold of one of these black on white savage attacks and propagating the same wicked frame.

 Laura writes:

You don’t mean they literally scream, “We should be able to murder whites with impunity,” do you?

Josh F. writes:

 I think all the evidence points towards an accelerating degeneracy in the “black” collective.  In my mind, the desire for total “equality” has it in the minds of the “black” collective an EQUAL SUFFERING to all blacks in the past.  Of course, this belief stands in as rationalization and justification for the savage punishment of whites as there stands no distinction between innocent white and guilty white.  This representing another effect mandated by a belief in “equality.”

Josh continues:

I don’t want to seem to backtrack because I strongly believe that a current running dead center through the “black” collective is a sense of “righteousness” in killing whites which can be viscerally perceived whenever one of these savage murders takes place.  That being said, only the most extreme “leaders” of the “black” collective have ever given media voice to such a sense of “righteousness” and I do not recall the media ever reporting that the family of such perpetrators explicitly claimed the right to murder whites.  It is in their fervent denials and delusions that only seem to grow deeper that one can sense something very sinister at heart equivalent to a right to “kill whitey.” 

I think we can rest assured that the mainstream media would have no interest in publishing the most callous of responses from the perpetrator’s family and mainly we are forced to simply discern from their deeply delusional declaration for the innocence of the perpetrator that there exists no regard for the lives of white people.  There simply exists no discernible collective “black” regard for the proliferating and disproportionate amount of black-on-white violence.  In fact, there is a manufactured air of total innocence.

 Andrew writes:

Interesting to see that the news stories about the murder of the 4-year old have been removed from the online Sun News. I found a cached copy to get some details, and apparently the father’s side is petitioning on Change.org to get the mother charged with negligence or complicity. There is a facebook page set up “Justice for Mercedes.” On this page I discovered the mother’s name is Geisy Alvarez; she also has a Facebook page that is not set to private, so you can see posts, photos, etc.

What a sad, preventable, but too common story.

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