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The Absurdity of Evolution, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Absurdity of Evolution, cont.

November 2, 2014


PETER writes:

When you think for a time about Darwinian assertions on life formation, one rather simple aspect gets overlooked. Primarily, any so called mutations would have to be either produced, or be chromosome compatible, in both male and female organisms simultaneously to ensure the transmission and fusion of genetic information.

Other than viruses and other micro-organisms all life is heterogeneous. That random variation and natural selection some how coordinated DNA modification simultaneously in two sexually distinct life forms is just absurd. The ontological question of how beings came into existence as two distinct sexual entities with compatible reproductive ability and in proximity of one another to start reproduction is even more ludicrous.

Genetic research seems to confirm the statement in Genesis, “according to its kind.” Or perhaps we’re just not sophisticated enough to be agnostic.

— Comments —

Anonymous writes:

I also believe evolution is absurd. In all the ways I try to point this out to people, I often am laughed at and dismissed the most when I point out that there is no such thing as a species. I am even dismissed or laughed at by people who already think evolution is absurd. I tried pointing this out on the Orthosphere and was dismissed by being called a nominalist.
So I finally did a Google search on the term “species do not exist” and found an evolutionist or two who agrees with me. I’m not crazy! In fact, the name of a good book about this is: Do Species Exist: Principles of Taxonomic Classification and it is written by Werner Kunz.
As I’ve been saying, there is no such thing as a species, and that means that ALL creatures are therefore transitional “fossils” in the evolutionary worldview. I agree that it would be just as useful to use the biblical concept “kind” instead of species.
It is a marvel to me that I came to this realization with almost no training in the biological sciences, while the vast majority of people with formal training in this realm are apparently incapable of even hearing me out when I bring it up.
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