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The “Organ Gap” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The “Organ Gap”

November 18, 2014


RON writes:

I thought you might be interested in this article about organ donations from Women’s E-News.

Much of the article makes sense in terms of helping to facilitate an increase in the number of organ donations from healthy donors. The weird thing is the “women as victims” overlay that seems to be a requirement for any article published by this outlet and many others. It almost looks like a pre-existing, gender neutral article had a “women as victims” front end grafted onto it.  Note how it is all “women as victims” up to the sub-heading “Hidden Costs Pile Up,” after which gender is never mentioned again.

The overwhelming (and still growing) tendency to force everything through a “women as victims” gender “lens” is something that needs a good dose of ridicule.

There are so many stories that sound like the famous joke headline, “World Ends Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit.”

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