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A Rape Story That Is Too Real « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Rape Story That Is Too Real

December 3, 2014


WHILE the recent story of gang rape years ago at a University of Virginia fraternity prompted national alarm despite a lack of formal charges or criminal evidence, there is relative silence, and virtually no feminist hysteria, in response to criminal charges of gang rape at William Paterson University in New Jersey last week. I wonder why. Just wait and see how little attention this story receives from the press. It offers zero opportunity for leftist political agitators, given that the men charged are black. If it is true, and it may of course not be true, I feel deeply sorry for the victim, not only because of the horror she experienced but because she will face a packed courtroom of the friends and relatives of the students charged who are all saying it couldn’t possibly be true. If she is white, which I suspect she is, she will likely face even more intense hostility.

The thousands of women who have been brutally raped and murdered by black men do not qualify as victims to the quasi-religious feminist cult of female victimhood. That’s because this cult is ultimately about power, not real sympathy for women.

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