America Is One Big College Campus
December 19, 2014
ACCORDING to Eric Holder, the Department of Justice must now interpret Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as barring employment discrimination against the “”transgendered.” In other words, if a employer does not like the fact that, say, a salesman he hired is now a “saleswoman,” or objects that the male teacher he hired to coach football at a private school is now wearing lipstick and a wig, he can be sued and lose big bucks.
This reminds me of the political notices students used to put up on bulletin boards in college, announcing some imminent and daring transformation of society. In this case, it’s the Attorney General of the United States with an adolescent worldview, not the head of a leftist campus club.
All human differences are now officially meaningless if they in any way impede the rule of social engineers.
— Comments —
William T. writes:
“All human differences are now officially meaningless if they in any way impede the rule of social engineers.”
All except one, that is. While they embrace the idea of a man trying to become a woman or vice versa, they still express righteous horror at the idea of a “gay” man trying to become “straight.”
Laura writes:
I should have said all natural human differences are officially meaningless. It is in a man’s nature to be “straight.”