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Geert Wilders in Lyons « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Geert Wilders in Lyons

December 2, 2014


TOM writes:

Check out Geert Wilders’ speech, posted at Galliawatchalong with news about popular uprisings in France.

Keep your eyes on France. Pope St. Pius VI prophesied after the French Revolution that France would lead the way back in the restoration of Christendom.

— Comments —

Annie writes:

While there are many Catholic prophecies regarding the role of France in the restoration of Christendom, I am only familiar with those involving a great Catholic monarch working in unity with a great Pope.  I fear we are many years of suffering and persecution away from those days.  While I welcome more traditional voices in European politics, I fear that any political effort which does not involve the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ the King is not only misguided, will eventually fail, but also may already be compromised.

Some people look to Ted Cruz as the great Republican hope, but as his wife is employed by Goldman Sachs, involved in many of the current financial scandals, I cannot lend him my support.  He is possibly only a tool used to distract or lull people away from true awareness of the state of this country.

But, back to my question, I am not aware of any St. Pope Pius VI as there are no canonized Popes between St. Pope Pius V and St. Pope Pius X.  Was that an error in the comment?

Thanks for all you do. I’ve learned so much from reading your site.

Laura writes:

Thank you for the correction. Pope Pius VI has not been canonized.

 I entirely agree with you when you say (and I could not have said it better):

While I welcome more traditional voices in European politics, I fear that any political effort which does not involve the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ the King is not only misguided, will eventually fail, but also may already be compromised.

“Patriotism” comes from the root “pater,” which means “father.” All true love of country is based in a love of the one true God, from whom all civil authority is ultimately derived. Nationalists such as Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders are right to defend their countries from invasion and conquest by other nations under the globalist EU, but wrong to have no political objectives higher than nationalism and anti-immigrationism. Their principles are woefully inadequate. Marine Le Pen is not fully a French nationalist because France is more than an economic entity and more than a people related by blood. It has a history written indelibly in the soul of its people. She even supports the travesty of same-sex “marriage.”

There is no France, no lasting and stable civilization in Europe, outside the moral order and the Social Reign of Christ the King. The Catholic Church (not to be confused with the Modernist heresies of Vatican II which actually welcome the destruction of the French nation and Europe in general) is the only foundation of social order in France and in all nations.

That said, there are counter-revolutionary stirrings in France. I think Pius VI was right.

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