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Italian Pasta Maker Caves In « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Italian Pasta Maker Caves In

December 1, 2014



In September of 2013, I wrote of the three Barilla brothers, owners of the largest pastificio (pasta manufacturer) in Italy, who had refused to alter their ads celebrating the traditional family, refusing to relent in the storm that gathered around them for their impudence in questioning the new morality. That was then, now is now. According to  The Washington Post, after steadfastly refusing to show a same-sex couple in an ad, the company has “…now journeyed from gay rights pariah to poster child…”

Barilla, which also has production factories in Illinois, joins Starbucks, Nike and Microsoft, which have also endorsed homosexual marriage. A spokesman for Barilla went even further down the descent into decadence: Talita Erickson, the chief diversity officer for Barilla (emphasis mine), said that the company has demonstrated its sincerity with its actions. It has expanded it health benefits to include transgender-related care, and broadened is anti-discrimination policy to cover gay and transgender people.” It also features a lesbian couple on its website, which promotes family meals. I thought the Italians were made of sterner stuff; it appears that they are not.

Periods in history are often described in general terms: the Middle Ages, the Age of Enlightenment, the Modern Age. For those of us who are personally witnessing the rapid deterioration of traditional values in the West, the capitulation of Barilla harkens to a new title for our age: the Age of Groveling.”

— Comments —

Bruce writes:

I’m not big on conspiracy theories but I often wonder if the people in charge have methods of blackmailing others into bowing to liberal ideas. Everyone, without exception, seems to cave when pressure is put on them.

 Laura writes:

I was thinking the same thing.

TroperA writes:

I think it comes down to plain old simple greed. You can stand by your guns and have the entire world media establishment against you and the SJW army ready to use every dirty Alinskyist tactic in the world to bring you down, or you can capitulate and have these same forces pat you on the head and encourage the brainwashed masses to throw money at you.

The purpose of a company is to generate a profit and right now, declaring yourself on the “right side of history” is going to net you the biggest bucks. The fact that these clowns have a CHIEF Diversity Officer (not just one, but the head of presumably an entire Diversity department) shows you how far the rot has sunk in. Any company that pays lips service to Conflict Theory woo-woo is going to find itself having less and less to do with reality (and consequently, less and less to do with profitability once they swap out half of their male CEOs for Women in Business Suits who majored in Victim Studies and “Mucking About on Facebook All Day.”) Phooey on them.

Dan R. writes:

In two words: political correctness. A system has been in place for the past couple of decades and institutions are falling like dominoes in slow motion. Anti-discrimination, as Lawrence Auster often wrote, is one of its key pillars. Many have recognized the totalitarian nature of PC, and yet it leaves one aghast as it takes its inevitable, practical effect. Worse yet, after a Republican “landslide” the “opposition party” is preparing to cave on our most significant matters. It’s bad.

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