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Donald Trump? You Gotta Be Kidding! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Donald Trump? You Gotta Be Kidding!

January 29, 2015


TK writes:

I never could take Donald Trump seriously. I figured any man with such a ridiculous haircut deserves nothing but scorn. I can’t imagine anyone so silly looking even having enough gall to BE an egomaniac. Trump has something in common with the president, in that anytime either one is on television or the radio I immediately change the channel or turn the sound off. Certain voices just get to me. Anyway, yesterday I was at work and I heard someone talking on a computer. I listened without knowing who was talking, but seemed to agree with almost everything he said. What he was saying wasn’t couched in elegant or intellectual terms, but sounded like something the Average Joe would say. I found the source of the voice, and it was a YouTube video of Donald Trump speaking somewhere in Iowa recently. I guess his voice wasn’t as familiar to me as I thought. I started it over and listened to it again. Yes, he was still full of himself and bragging about some of his accomplishments, but he was saying what needed to be said, unlike almost all the other “conservatives” who are terrified to say anything meaningful when criticizing the president or his policies. Good for him. I’m sick of hearing the GOP talk about what it can’t do. I’d like to actually see someone walk the walk. I mean, c’mon, if the president decided to sign another executive order stating that he could remain president for life, would they still say they couldn’t do anything about it? Don’t give him any ideas, right?  Anyway, I’m not saying I could vote for him if he ran, but I just might give him another listen.

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