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Feed This Baby « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Feed This Baby

January 26, 2015



DID you know that two slices of pizza, plus a large drink of carbonated chemicals, costs almost ten dollars at many pizzerias? Perhaps you might consider giving up the dollar value of one or two of these life-sustaining lunches to support this blog. I realize that profound discussions on the rotting moral edifice of Western society are not comparable to slices of particleboard slathered with tomato-vinyl compound and molten mozzarella spackling, but please consider sacrificing the one to support the other. Then the next time you feel you are surrounded by lies and a civilizational crisis so big many people don’t even see it, at least you will know you have done something.

By the way, a reader has informed me that he sometimes gets banner ads at the top of this page. This is some kind of bug. These ads are not put there by me. If you have seen the same thing, please let me know so I can get an idea of how extensive the problem is.

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— Comments —

Mike writes:

For what it’s worth, I’ve never seen an ad on your website.

If you don’t put ads on your website and people are seeing them anyway, there’s a good chance that it’s due to a malware infection on that particular readers’ PC.  It’s very much within the realm of possibility that your reader has a malicious program on his computer that’s intercepting web traffic and adding on spurious advertisements.

Laura writes:

Thanks. That’s what I figured. It’s something on his end that’s causing the problem.

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