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Pagans, Old and New « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Pagans, Old and New

January 31, 2015


SVEN writes:

Here’s an irony for you. When Rome adopted Christianity as the state religion, many rural people stuck to the old gods. Known as pagans, Latin for “villager,” and “heathens,” or heath dwellers, they were the equivilant of modern day rednecks and country bumpkins. To this day, “heathen” and “pagan” are synonymous with non-Christianity and backwardness. Sodomy was one of the customs the newly-Christian city people attributed to pagans, and used the accusation as a reason to despise country folks.

Fast forward to 21st century America, where one of coastal liberals’ favorite reasons to disdain “fly over country” is that we do not wholeheartedly embrace and celebrate sodomy! How times change.

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