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Porn for Traditionalists « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Porn for Traditionalists

January 25, 2015


WARNING: The following video clip from the 1946 movie The Captive Heart, a film about a British prisoner of war in a German World War II camp who pretends to be another, deceased soldier in order to save his own life and falls in love with the dead man’s wife after writing letters to her in the name of her husband, contains scenes that may incite lust for normality.  The men and women are highly masculine and highly feminine, respectively. There is no crudity. There are no women soldiers. There are no bedroom scenes. There is a shocking scene of small town life in Britain with children actually playing outside. The whole thing is shocking by today’s standards.

Watch with caution. GRAPHIC SCENES OF TENDER AFFECTION AND LOYALTY. I offer it to you for historical purposes only.

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