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She Bred Like a “Rabbit” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

She Bred Like a “Rabbit”

January 29, 2015


A BRAZILIAN woman, the mother of six children, is quoted at length at Tradition in Action:

Every day, I face the curiosity, the disrespect, the jokes, the whispers and the comments by many people who think that, just because I have six children, they have the right to give their opinion on what is so sacred to me. I have way too many anecdotes. I have been stopped on the street walk and asked if “I did not care about the environment”. I have been laughed at dozens of times when asked if I did not have a TV at home (BTW, no! We do not, Thank God!), if I knew what caused pregnancies, if I did not have a hobby. And all that spoken inconveniently, without modesty, in front of my small children!

I have been called ignorant, irresponsible. I’ve had to give financial explanations to strangers. Our family is frequently looked with disdain. Once, a doctor discretely suggested that I abort my 3rd child because it was somehow “dangerous”. My husband is always asked if his six children are from “the same wife”! Once, when we were outside under a pouring rain and in need of a cab, many taxi drivers went past us making signs with their hands meaning we were too many people. Too many people…. Can heaven be too crowded?

Anyway, we have always endured the criticism with a few compliments here and there. The compliments that exalt my so-called courage were never our support for the sacrifice of having many children. People’s opinions, either good or bad, are irrelevant. Our focus, my husband’s and mine, was always Our Lord. It was always to do God’s will. And to do God’s will in what is the very purpose of matrimony: the procreation of children. Despite the antichristian society. Despite the cost. Despite the world! And now, I am afraid to say, despite the Pope!

Too bad this woman does not realize that a “pope” who attacks her cannot be a true pope.

— Comments —

Mary Lou writes from Australia:

As a mother of ten, I share your feelings.  Of course, I too experienced those rude and vulgar comments and yes often in front of the children because they were always with me due to homeschooling. I really felt they were such pathetic comments and usually dished out from a person suffering some type of guilt.  I was never ever was hurt by any of the negative slurs though because my love and admiration of my eight sons and two daughters was so strong.  I just adored my children, still do and now they are nearly all grown up with the youngest being 15 and the eldest a father of six himself (so far) We are blessed to have eighteen grandchildren under the age of ten and they are each such a delight.  Through the grace of God they are all baptised and living Catholic lives with their families.

I had eleven of them stay here with me for a couple of ‘quality cousin’ days last week, it is summer here and we have a swimming pool and ponies so it is never hard to encourage them to come.  I just had a wonderful time with them.  My long suffering 15 yo daughter has to do all the cooking and bed making etc but gee how lucky she is having missed out on younger siblings to help with.

I love ‘high tea’ so I bring out the best china and sit them all up to tea and treats ! They feel so special.  One little fellow told his mother he loves coming ‘cos Nana has cuppas aaallllll day !

I have worried so much about this present Pope.  So many things are happening that are a real challenge to us Catholics each day.  I was speaking to a dear old traditional priest friend recently and he told me to be a peace and not worry and to remember the words of Our Lady of Fatima and to expect exactly what she has warned us of.  Saving our children’s souls is all that matters (and ours too of course) We have to worry less and pray more and yes, if the need be, be more Catholic than the Pope !

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