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Super Smart Asian Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Super Smart Asian Women

January 29, 2015



Julie Chen


In your “Devouring Screen” post, you briefly mentioned “super smart Asian women” in media.

The reality is that these super smart Asian women cave in when the going gets tough.

Matt Lauer, of the morning show Good Morning America, had a big media fall out with his co-host Ann Curry. He was just being the regular aggressive male, staking out his territory, and not being “nice.” Curry got fired, supposedly at Lauer’s recommendation. She left in tears!!!! She was nothing like that “tough and super smart Asian” persona she had been building.

There is another daytime show The Talk, whose “leader” is an Asian woman – Julie Chen, and the rumor was that her husband, Les Moonves, who is head of  CBS, kept the show going for subsequent seasons, despite its low ratings. The Talk is a take on The View, under that super smart (earned) Jewish woman Barbara Walters, but it is only a copy. I’m surprised people watch it, but it must be a combination of artificial propping and women who have nothing better to do in the afternoons.

Chen woman is a bit of a fascist. Everyone on the panel is scared of her – you should see them groveling – probably because they wouldn’t have anywhere else to go if it weren’t for her. One way to keep loyalties is to get the weak and pathetic. On her panel, she has an ugly, lesbian woman; Sharon Osbourne the English immigrant whose husband is the rock star who ate bats on stage; an obese black woman who is very conscious about her weight; and a skinny black woman married to a white man (so she has no real community). Their show is now basically a gossip show, which for the super smartness which Chen likes to project, is for low IQ viewers.

One thing all these “super smart” Asian women have done is to put their super smartness at nabbing that white male. Why? Because they know that their creature comforts will be met by this white male. Their smartness is perhaps a variation of feminine wiles. I have a feeling they are also very smart at hiding their “inner dragon,” and since the males they’ve nabbed are a variation of the wimpy liberal male, they can continue to cleverly disguise it while milking this foolish male dry.

I think their alienation can be seen in their children – half white/half Asian (as they like to collectively be called Asian, although they make sure you know that they are Chinese/Korean/Philippino/Japanes etc.).

These children literally form their own bubble of “Halfs” or it should be a good pun to call them “Have-Nots.” They travel, ritualistically, to their “ancestral” lands, make earnest efforts to learn their ancestral cultures, and now are even pairing up with mates of their own Asian ancestry, since these are also usually half Asians, or at least they were born in the West, so they have this hybrid culture thing going.

These offspring are now considering themselves as discriminated against, and even demanding various affirmative action regulations in jobs and academic institutions.

But, it is also what their mothers do. Chen talks extensively about a “discriminating” America when she was younger, which is also how I think she gets all these “victimized” women on her talk show panel. Ann Curry CRIED on TV, acting like the poor, injured minority female, attacked by that white male.

And when taken to task, what they do does not equate with other white women: Barbara Walters in media; Carolina Herrera (the wedding dress designer) against whom competes that aggressive and copy-cat Vera Wang (I’ve written extensively about her, for example here); and now Ann Curry who couldn’t stick to her fight with Lauer.

So much for the Super Smart Asian Woman Syndrome.

Think what this does to a nation? A whole section of alienated people, who are steeped in victimology, and who are ANGRY at the traditional America.

Poor America, and Poor Canada (since of course, it is happening here with just as much intensity).

— Comments —

Dan R. writes:

Smart, yes–but I’m not sure that Julie Chen qualifies as “super-smart,” having flunked the entrance exam for Bronx High School of Science (see Wikipedia bio).  I don’t watch her often, but the one thing that sticks in my memory is Bryant Gumbel addressing her as “Jules.”  Ugh!

Miss Asrat writes:

I just read Dan’s comment on Julie Chen.

That proves my point on the Super Smart Asian Woman Syndrome.

But, these women seem to have also caught our attention based on:

1. Multiculturalism: They are the smart ones of the multi-culti. Compare an Asian woman with a Somali woman…

2. Exotica: For some reason, white males have decided that Asian women are their new fetish. Before, exotica was usually fulfilled through objects – the African sculpture from a colonized country, the Chinese vase, the Pacific island totem, etc. But, now it is much more direct and sexual, as in David Bowie’s 1977 China Girl song.

I also think that these Asian women look somewhat white (compared to blacks), so their exotica is less pronounced and different and alienating. And their relative smartness attracts these usually ambitious men. Their deficiencies in smartness can easily be ignored, and can even be attractive, since women generally are less smart than men, even those super-super smart white women. [Laura writes: It’s not true that men are generally smarter than women. There are many more men in the high range of intelligence, but there are also many more men at the bottom.]

3. The White Male Savior: He is there to save this victimized woman from all the evil whites out there (and it is these non-white women who tell him constantly that he is evil, even those he decides to marry). Think about that contradiction, the white, liberal man is still doing what his white ancestors have always done: felt an obligation to better the world – that was the original purpose of colonization – to save – Christianize – those savages. How would Julie Chen feel about this?!

But, to prove my multi-culti/fethish/savior point using Bowie as an example, Bowie declared himself bisexual at one point in his musical career which I think turned him to all other possible social arrangements including marrying the very dark Somali woman super-model Iman. I do think she is beautiful, though, and I have always liked Bowie’s music (melodiously speaking at least), so he has good taste :-).

And Somalis have an unusual, almost Asian look, with their high cheek bones and slightly slanted eyes. I think this was part of his decision…

And he’s saving her from all those Nazi white men:

I stumble into town just like a sacred cow
Visions of swasticas in my head
Plans for everyone [Lyrics from China Girl]

4. Feminism: Feminist white women are difficult to deal with and to live with. But think about it. These wishy-washy white men are feminists themselves, and they cruelly abandon their white women whom they groomed to be feminists. That is the epitome of evil.

Some of these powerful men married to Asians were married to white women before, including, believe it or not Bowie, who was married in his racy youthful days, to a white woman. (But don’t you think Angela Bowie looks like him, as though Bowie lives through various types of fetishistic narcissism. And how can a woman let a man do this, unless she just wants the perks of a pop star’s “wife”)?

These men divorced their white wives and married the Asian women usually after having affairs with them while still married to their first wives. Moonves, Chen’s husband certainly did. And all these Asian women significantly upgraded their lives, at least materialistically, upon these marriages.

And in a way, I think Moonves et al. are all operating at a lower level of fetishism: marrying their “China Doll” so to speak.

Anyway, sorry to go on like this. People think they can do whatever they want but it is the offspring who all look unhappy and angry who bear the burden. Look at the Bowie family photo ca. 2014. Bowie’s daughter is called Alexandria, clearly after the Egyptian city. NOT Alexandra! Poor girl. Of course Alexandra would refer to all those ancestors of the evil whites. Everything is ideological and political with contemporary blacks and multiculturalists.

Laura writes:

There is a prominent Republican married to a Chinese wife.

Miss Asrat writes:

It is Mitch McConnell. He’s married to Elaine Chao (she didn’t change her name). He divorced his first wife, and married Chao the same year of his divorce.

Chao, labor secretary under George Bush, has a shady, or somewhat shady, background, which McConnell has also capitalized on, for business and politics.

Here is information about Chao’s ties with Communist China:

…Jiang Zemin, China’s former Communist Party boss and dictator…is a close family friend of the senator’s wife, and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao praised her father for building China’s industry. Jiang Zemin, the hard-liner who took power following the Tienanmen Square massacre, is notorious for his repression of religious minorities in Tibet [Source].

And some more:

During her stint at Heritage before joining the administration, Chao pushed the conservative organization to view China as a prime economic prospect rather than as a threatening U.S. competitor…Chao…came from a wealthy shipping family based in Taiwan that expanded part through a relationship between Chao’s father and Chinese leader Jiang Zemin. As a senior Heritage official…Chao…presided over a policy shift the transformed Heritage from a hardline supporter of Taiwan into a promoter of economic engagement with China. [Source]

[KPA: This stupid article contends that “economic engagement” with China is a good, even as China becomes an aggressive competitor, and inundates the U.S. with cheap, shoddy Chinese goods.]

And more on the Chao family ties with Chinese Communist leaders (this was back in 2001, but I think it is relevant and important to illustrate Chao’s background):

Elaine Chao and her father have extensive personal ties to communist China’s President Jiang Zemin – contact described as “regular” and “deep”…

Chao’s father resides in New York City and, years ago, founded a ship brokerage and agency business, Foremost Maritime Corp. – a lucrative shipping firm WorndNetDaily has learned. [Source]

More on McConnell and “business” dealings with China (again back in 2001)

A review of financial assets held over the past six years by Elaine L. Chao and her husband, Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, reveals that the labor secretary-designate [Chao’s position then] serves as a director of an insurance company that jointly owns a Lippo Group subsidiary with the Chinese government.

Indonesia-based Lippo is controlled by the Riady family and is at the center of the Chinagate fund-raising scandal. Lippo chief executive James T. Riady has agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge of defrauding the U.S. government. Prosecutors say he funneled foreign donations to the campaigns of Bill Clinton and other politicians. [Source]

And here is information about McConnell’s links with a seedy shipping company, which was charged with transporting drugs:

…Hidden in the [Ping May’s] chain locker, amidst its load of coal bound for Europe, were approximately 40 kilograms, or about ninety pounds, of cocaine…

…the Republican Senate minority leader has the closest of ties to the owner of the Ping May, the vessel containing the illicit materials: the Foremost Maritime Corporation, a firm founded and owned by McConnell’s in-laws, the Chao family. [Source]

And more on the Foremost Maritime Corporation, providing McConnell with most of his “personal wealth”:

Though Foremost has played a pivotal role in McConnell’s life, bestowing the senator with most of his personal wealth and generating thousands in donations to his campaign committees, the drug bust went unnoticed in Kentucky, where every bit of McConnell-related news has generated fodder for the campaign trail. That’s because, like many international shipping companies, Chao’s firm is shrouded from public view, concealing its identity and limiting its legal liability through an array of tax shelters and foreign registrations. Registered through a limited liability company in the Marshall Islands, the Ping May flies the Liberian flag.

McConnell’s ties to the Chaos go back to the late 1980s, when James Chao began donating to the senator. In 1993, McConnell married James’s daughter, Elaine Chao, a Republican activist and former Reagan administration official who would later serve as secretary of labor in the George W. Bush cabinet. James Chao emigrated to the United States from Taiwan, and founded the Foremost Maritime Corporation upon settling in New York.  [Source]

And some on the Foremost Maritime Corporation, which is owned by Elaine Chow’s father:

Foremost acts as a shipping agent, purchasing vessels made primarily in China and coordinating shipment of commodities…The company has offices in New York and Hong Kong. [The above Information on the Foremost Maritime Corporation is from the article I’ve linked to – The Investigative Fund, dated October 30th, 2014]

And as always now, multiculturalism rears its head, with the “r” and “d” words:

From a group called the Progress Kentucky:

In a Feb 14 Twitter message [KPA: who pays attention to “twitter messages”!!], Progress says: “This woman has the ear of (Sen. McConnell) – she’s his wife. May explain why your job moved to China!”

Other comments from Progress Kentucky include:

…her “Chinese (money)” is buying state elections…


Members of Chao’s family donated $80,000 to the Kentucky GOP last year (2012)

And stating the obvious:

The super PAC has also posted vocal support of their criticism, one of which said “not many know McConnell’s wife is Chinese.”

Which Team Mitch Campaign manager Jesse Benton called “disgusting” demanding an apology.

“We just think this kind of race-baiting has absolutely no place in American politics…People [in Progress Kentucky] should be fired and a public apology should be issued…everybody of good conscience in Kentucky should agree that these sorts of attacks should be pushed to the side.”

[Source for the above quotes]

And here is Chao and the “d” word:

The Organization of Chinese Americans welcomed the first Asian American to hold a cabinet position. Chao, they said, would help the Bush administration “represent the diversity of the nation.” Union leaders John Sweeney and Morton Bahr supported Chao because they’d worked with her when she ran the charity United Way. Conservatives in the Bush administration were reassured because Chao stood a good chance of getting an easy ride from labor. [Source]

Finally (at least from my research), but equally relevant in these White Men/Asian Women couplings, McConnell married Chao in quick succession after his divorce from his first wife, to whom he was married for 25 year! It begs the question: were McConnell and Chao having an affair? I will say “yes.”

Here is the Wikipedia information on his “spouses:

Sherrill Redmon (1968-1993)

Elaine Chao (1993-present)

These Asian wives will subtly continue to pursue, and implement through their husbands and offspring, their Asian ancestry into the American society and culture, which includes keeping their Asian last names.

The “Asian” profile in North America will only continue to grow with these kinds of influences from Asians who will never cut off their ties with their ancestral lands, whether it is through their activities within America, or now, with cautious links with China, Korea, Japan, etc. Even so-called conservatives like Chao will show these ties. And white men will increasingly go for these women, as their own women continue to abandon them with their (now ingrained in American life) feminist ideologies, which these white men fully support, as long as THEY are not tainted by them.

So much for our leaders.

Feb. 6, 2015

Elizabeth writes:

For some reason I need to defend the ladies of The Talk from the charge of grovelling to the thoroughly non-terrifying Julie Chen.  They are guilty of many idiocies, but fear of Julie is not among them.

Sara Gilbert (“the ugly lesbian”) created the show and is executive producer.  The other non-Julie women have all had decades-long careers in entertainment and are very self-assured.  Julie doesn’t contribute much beyond asking questions, usually loosely tied to some celebrity gossip.  The other ladies then mostly agree with each other.  The fat woman (a comic) will joke about her appetite for food or men whenever possible.

It is froth with flashes of liberal dementia.  For example, Bruce Jenner has been a frequent topic, as he is looking more and more feminine.  Typical past segment: A picture of Bruce wearing nail polish or a sports bra is shown.  The audience shrieks with laughter.  Julie asks if the media should leave him alone, as he hasn’t commented on his changing appearance.  The ladies all say he should have his privacy, all that matter is that he’s happy, but if he is “transitioning”, how splendid!  The audience applauds each sentiment warmly.

No-one wonders why they are yapping about someone they don’t think should be yapped about, or whether the audience’s initial laughter is more honest than its subsequent applause.  There was no laughter this week, when Julie announced that Bruce appears to have confirmed he is getting a “sex change”.  That audience/herd is more alarming than anyone on the show.


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