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The Church Is Not the Church « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Church Is Not the Church

January 26, 2015



FROMĀ Traditio:

Newchurch is dying around the world. The only time the mobs will turn out is when a Newpope with a rock-star complex creates a flash crowd, as in January 2015 for the Philippines. Then the mob will sacrilegiously steal the phony “bread” that is no longer the Holy Eucharist to put into their prayer books as a momento [sic] — or feed to their dogs after the “rave” is over. Newchurch is clearly going to the dogs, whatever the fatuous propagandists try to put over on you. Within a decade or two, Newchurch will be as dead as the Protestant Anglican Church, which, now with its Lesbian priestesses and bishopesses, is lucky to count even ten in the pews at its phony services.

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