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The GOP Is Not Anti-Abortion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The GOP Is Not Anti-Abortion

January 23, 2015





I was at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. yesterday. Never in all my years have I seen such a multitude gathered for any one event as I did yesterday. I’d bet the numbers come to more than a half-million.

Do any good?

The GOP pulled the “no abortions after 20 week gestation” bill Thursday because they didn’t have the votes despite their super majority, and those “no” votes included at least two Tea Party women. The bill it pushed through the House yesterday would block federal financing of abortion. It is a rethread of current federal law. It took little or no courage at all by the GOP and has little chance of success.

I increasingly have reached the conclusion that the Romans did long ago: Nolite confidere in principibus – place not your trust in princes, and I can add politicians, too.

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