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A Healthy Black Nationalism and its Benefits for Blacks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Healthy Black Nationalism and its Benefits for Blacks

February 26, 2015




David J. raises an interesting point when he talks of the possibility of a black homeland versus separation into what would amount to a separate state in North America. I would like to speak to the benefits  of this arrangement for African-Americans.

Before I examine that, I would like to object to the negative characterization of blacks. Yes, there are fundamental differences  between tropical people and northern people regarding morality, which is the basis of civilization. And surely there is an IQ gap. But is it that distinct from the 95 IQ average in Ireland or Russia, since the African-American IQ average is somewhere between 89-90?

[EDITOR’S NOTE: The negative comments about intelligence were made by the black commenter, David J.]

As a Southern man, I have known and loved black people my entire life.  There are many good men and women among them, but they will never be featured in the news because doing so would not support the leftist  agenda of integrating the Other in order to destroy the majority.

Leftist internationalism (the parent discipline of  diversity/multiculturalism) arose from leftist demands for class  equality, or obliteration of social hierarchy. They want no social standards against which leftists, as individuals, can be compared and found wanting. To that end, they seek to import what is different and use it to erase majority culture so that differences between people  become so normal that no standards can be set. I will speak to the  future and say that Democrats have already abandoned several pet groups, including Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and now African-Americans and  Jews, and are already focused on their new majority-buster which is  the Asiatic populations from Asia and Amerind groups, most  specifically the Central American populations. They do not care who they use to destroy the majority, only that the majority with its irritating insistence on social order be destroyed.

If I were a leader of African-Americans, I would surmise that the same  policies which restore any civilization would work for  African-Americans: put the best people in charge, enforce social order, and weed out the bad seeds through exile or other means. Every  civilization that has risen has done these things, and they — not the  leftist triad of education, empowerment and wealth — are what make a  civilization rise above the norm, which is the level of failure we see in third-world civilizations worldwide. These are not popular choices to adopt for the same reason social order is not popular, which is  that it involves hierarchy and not all of us can be king. However, one path leads people to give up their individual ego-drama and embrace  the idea of working together unequally, and that is identity.

 This leads to my point: the best place for African-Americans is in Africa because it provides them with an identity unique to them and opportunity which has always been theirs. African-Americans in the United States, no matter how much is done for them, will always  remember their time here as beginning with slavery and subjugation. Africans in Africa will be able to point to an unbroken stewardship of  a continent leading back to the dawn of time. Identity grants people pride in who they are, and encourages them to collaborate and  cooperate toward the end of having a civilization. Africa is a land of opportunity that will reward black rule because, if Africans do not possess it, it will become a permanent colony as Asia, the Middle East and other parties exploit it for its mineral and agricultural  resources. In Africa, Africans are kings; that a local warlord lost a  war and his people got sold into slavery 450 years ago becomes  irrelevant. This allows the African peoples pride in who they are, and with that, the culture that reinforces the idea of working together  unequally.

African-Americans cannot have this in North America. In addition to  being remembered as slaves, they will find the gravy train of white guilt does not last forever, and when it snaps, it will snap hard and probably in a libertarian direction that results in replacement of African-American populations with more compliant Asiatics. History  repeats itself and it seems that much as certain brute labor tasks in  America were farmed out to the Chinese, in the Middle East the African labor force was some time ago replaced by Asiatics. In contrast, in  Africa the African person has pride, purpose and the ability to build  a culture that is rising upward, where in North America it will always  be a dependent culture.

As to what will make African-Americans see the wisdom of this, I point  to two problems shared by all ethnic groups in America: the American  media, and our liberal policies. The media preaches whatever creates  drama and has a negative interest in solving problems, since  “everything’s peachy” never sold a newspaper and never will. Liberal  policies have created devastation among black communities far  exceeding what would naturally be there with self-rule, especially in  one of the examples you mentioned, Detroit. Ultimately the policy of  diversity itself is to blame because it insists that African-Americans  either abandon what makes them unique and become assimilated, or hold on to who they are and become marginalized, which allows physical  comfort but destroys pride in identity and the resulting commitment to  more than mere material comfort.

For further reading on this topic, I recommend the writings of Osiris  Akkebala who has been  writing about this topic for nearly thirty years.

— Comments —

David J., who is black, writes:

As an engineer, I tend to look look at things from an empirical point of view instead of theoretical.  Given the ample evidence to the contrary, I simply do not understand how one can reasonably derive such a positive view of this idea (from the black point of view).

First of all, black American IQ is somewhere between one to 1.1 standard deviation below the white mean according to a host of studies from the past century.  Thus, our IQ as a group stands at 82 or 85; most experts use the value of 85.  I only wish it were 89 or 90 as Mr. Stevens guessed.  American Hispanics are at such a level and therefore their social problems are noticeably less severe.

Mr. Stevens wrote, “…the best place for African-Americans is in Africa….”  How can we be bettered by living in the world’s poorest, most violent, most diseased region peopled by hundreds of millions (soon to be billions) of the world’s poorest, most violent, most diseased humans?  People, I must add, who have a mean IQ that is a full standard deviation lower than black Americans!  Note that an IQ under 70 is categorized as mental retardation.  Such staggeringly low intelligence heavily explains the witch doctors, female genital mutilationsalbino killings, short life expectancy, widespread HIV/AIDS epidemic, and numerous other wretched deficiencies concentrated in this benighted subcontinent.  How is stepping into this mess a help to us?  What net good is racial pride when you’re suffering from river blindness, bleeding from Ebola, witnessing your child starve, living as illiterates, and practicing ungodly animism?

Living in the United States has elevated American blacks to the highest living and moral standards of any Negro population on earth.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, black problems like crime, morality, family formation, and education tend to worsen when left to their own devices.  Show me a non-trivial, concrete example to the contrary.  Again, there is theory and then there is reality.  What looks good on paper (or on a blog post) often fails to manifest in real life.

Mr. Stevens also stated, “If I were a leader of African-Americans, I would…put the best people in charge, enforce social order, and weed out the bad seeds through exile or other means.”  Dear sir, I deeply would that it were so!  As John Derbyshire explained, and I cannot find the article at the moment, the intelligence of a population is akin to a man carrying a rock.  The weight of the rock increases as mean IQ decreases.  As the dullest major race, blacks have the heaviest load to bear, so heavy that forward progress is severely stymied.  In other words, the smart fraction of blacks is unfortunately too small to have any positive effect on the rest of the population.  Lawrence Auster basically concluded the same.

Notice that, time after time after time, blacks elect or support the most corrupt, least competent leaders (Robert Mugabe, Mobutu Sese Seko, Idi Amin, Baby Doc, Marion Berry, Kwame Kilpatrick, Ray Nagin, and so many more).  Ever wonder why black Americans loudly champion highly blemished Negroes like Trayvon Martin, OJ Simpson, the Jena Six, Michael Brown, Rodney King, and Crystal Mangum?  Why wasn’t there a single march for my black college roommate, a law-abiding, very pious Christian who scored in the 99th percentile on the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT)?

I could go on and on for many more paragraphs, but I am getting tired and too saddened with this negative reality.  I simply know too much about my race to believe in the supposed benefits of black separatism.  I’ve seen the actual results.

Mark Jaws writes:

First, I would like to commend David J’s insightful commentary about black Americans.  He is right on the money.  Black re-settlement in Africa is out of the question.   And even with a resurgent race-conscious America, it would be difficult enough to resettle the majority of blacks into a breakaway portion of the Lower 48.  Going back to Africa, no matter how packaged, is a non-starter.

As I mentioned in an earlier thread, I have worked with black military leaders all of my adult life.   Occasionally I have come across some who are as brutal honest about the majority of their race as David J has been.   In fact, the other day I met a 48 year old retired black Marine, who unabashedly admired David Duke.  Indeed, most of the black folks I speak to about race will admit that blacks have a problem, and it ain’t all about whitey.

Oh, if only my group, Ashkenazi Jews, would be as honest about themselves.  Mention Jewish control of Hollywood and the media, and even a conservative Jew will go into Ashkenazi Apoplexy.  And while the late, great Lawrence Auster privately scolded me for “obsessing” with  Jewish domination of the political and cultural discourse of our nation, I have always contended that members of the “Kosha Nostra” (KN) are the culprits behind the deteriorating racial situation in America.  The KN controls the Democratic Party and to paraphrase Jack Nicholson from “A Few Good Men,” the KN needs blacks on that welfare line.  It wants them on that welfare line.  And it will do anything to keep blacks on that welfare line.

That friends, is the painful reality of the hopelessness of the “black problem.”  And until the KN is challenged and marginalized for its 50-year reign of racial radicalization of blacks, a healthy black nationalism will never arise.

Laura writes:

You write:

Black re-settlement in Africa is out of the question.

Of course, it is out of the question today and anytime in the near future, just as a separate black nation in North America is out of the question today and anytime in the near future. But you can’t predict the future. You can’t forecast what kind of changes there might be. It is not out of the question because it is physically possible. To work for any such goal now would be patently ridiculous.

As for criticism of Jews, all criticism of Jews is considered obsession in the mainstream. Some people actually believe that if you even mention the words “the Jews,” thereby recognizing that such a distinct group exists, you are an anti-Semite.

Mark Jaws writes:

While “nothing is physically impossible,” there is a huge difference in feasibility between resettlement within America (i.e. finding blacks their version of Pakistan) and deportation to Africa.  I would wager dollars to bagels that if asked about the prospects of establishing a Black Nation within the Lower 48, a sizeable portion of the black population would theoretically support such a notion. Perhaps as high as 30 percent. In fact, upwards to 30 percent of the GOP electorate is CURRENTLY open to the idea of secession.

 Laura writes:

I don’t remember anyone mentioning deportation in this discussion, but you are obviously right that a black nation here is more feasible.

A reader writes:

Mark Jaws comment on Jewish control of Hollywood and the media reminded me of this article.

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