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Black Lives Matter at Dartmouth « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Black Lives Matter at Dartmouth

February 5, 2015


DARTMOUTH COLLEGE is an epicenter of white guilt. Ritual sacrifices are routinely made to the Noble Negro in the once proudly WASP milieu. A recent exhibit on civil rights at Dartmouth’s Hood Museum featured an “artwork” that was simply a white sink hanging from a black wall. (Get it — white and black. Profound, eh?)  It was a sort of confessional for whites, a place where they could repent and reflect on the horrible day when blacks were killed and tortured en masse —- oops, no, the day when blacks used separate bathrooms.

The problem with ersatz confessionals, aside from the warped concept of sin, is that there is never absolution. It’s no surprise then that a total of 15 professors will be teaching a class this spring on the Ferguson riots. Fifteen professors. The class, titled “#Black Lives Matter,” will surely spark nasty debates, with a few hopelessly taking the side of Darren Wilson and most valiantly taking the side of Michael Brown. Tempers will flare. And that’s just the point. Anything but thought.

The Ivy League is mass intellectual suicide. It’s a Jonestown of the mind.

— Comments —

A reader writes:

I notice they’ll be covering the “unarmed shooting.” That does seem worthy of study. I can’t imagine how an unarmed shooting can even happen.

Laura writes:

I think you might be getting wrapped up in white power structures by focusing on the words.

Terry Morris writes:

I note that the Dartmouth article you cite names five of the fifteen professors who will participate in the classes, representing several disciplines including History, Georgraphy and Anthropology. All of the named participants are women. One man is named in the article, Kevin Gillespie, a student-representative of the NAACP. The reporter whose by-line appears at the head of the article is a woman, and the editorial board of the paper is dominated by female students. One wonders what the male-to-female ratio at Dartmouth is in the way of professorships, other faculty positions and, of course, within the student body.

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