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Communism and Race « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Communism and Race

February 17, 2015


ALAN writes:

If the FBI Director wants “to learn from our mistakes,” a good place to begin is with his statement that the FBI’s wiretap of Michael “Martin Luther” King was “without fact or substance, and is predicated on the naked assertion that there is “communist influence in the racial situation.”

His statement and implication are utter nonsense.  J. Edgar Hoover said King was the most notorious liar in the country.  He and the Kennedy brothers knew that King surrounded himself with his Communist friends and “advisers.” There is good reason to believe that King was a Communist-trained agitator.  The Communists were involved up to their ears in the “Civil Rights Revolution” of the 1950s-‘60s. It is a sad state of affairs indeed when Mr. Hoover’s successor either does not know or does not want to know or does not want to acknowledge these facts.

But Communist involvement in the “civil rights movement” long pre-dated King:  See Chapter Twelve, “The Negro Program—Future Plans of Communists,” in R.M. Whitney’s 1924 book Reds In America, regarding how the Communists would work toward their own goals while pretending to work on behalf of the Negro:

                “The Communists’ earliest program in the United States included the use of the negro masses in its campaign to bring about the overthrow of the Government of this country by violence.  This program recognized that the negroes had many grievances, that race hatred was strong among them, and that they were easily inflamed to violence.  Accordingly it was decided to use them in the great conspiracy…”  (page 189) 

Read Alan Stang’s article “The King and His Communists” in American Opinion, Oct. 1965, page 1.

Read The Bondage of The Free by Kent Steffgen (1966):

— “…the Civil Rights Movement was conceived and fashioned by the Communists since its inception, then disguised as a struggle for human betterment in order to drive a wedge into American society by degrees.”  (page 19)

…The Dies Committee disclosed how the Communist Party worked among colored groups by concealing its aims under a veneer of social and economic advancement.  Many Negro churches became the focal point of Communist exploitation, because within their walls revolutionary propaganda could be buried beneath the pious atmosphere of a religious crusade…”  (page 20)

— “…By the late 1930s, every state in the South had Communist cells financed primarily by the Party’s national headquarters”, whose purpose was to use the Negro in pursuit of Communist goals.  (page 20)

Regarding the “Black Muslims”:  …Communist literature and live ammunition were discovered in one Moslem mosque in Los Angeles during the Watts riot of 1965…”  (page 40)

It goes without saying that these facts are never mentioned in Leftist-controlled schools, colleges, and universities.  This is called teaching history by omission.

Half a century ago, ex-Communist Manning Johnson wrote:

     “Ten years I labored in the cause of Communism.  I was a dedicated ‘comrade’.  …I was lured into the red movement by way of the American Negro Labor Congress, one of the many ‘front organizations’ set up by the Communists to trap the naïve, unwary, unsuspecting, and idealistic Negro.” His indoctrination included “two years of practical training in organizing street demonstrations, inciting mob violence, how to fight the police and how to politically ‘throw a brick and hide’…..”

          [ Manning Johnson, Color, Communism, and Common Sense, 1958, pages 6-7 ]

That last should sound familiar in light of the mayhem perpetrated in Ferguson.

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