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In a Convenience Store in Brooklyn « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

In a Convenience Store in Brooklyn

February 17, 2015


HANNAH writes:

I have read your website for some months. I differ with you on several issues but that’s not important now. I agree wholeheartedly on the subject of race, and black criminality in particular and I would like to tell you about something that happened the other day which illustrates this.

I don’t want to go into a long-winded bio, so, in brief: I was raised a liberal. I learned the hard way how to deal with blacks. I will provide anecdotes in future, if you want, but here’s an example from today.

I live in Brooklyn now. And I’ve noticed that any neighborhood except black ones is mixed – because that’s the way it goes in modern urban America. Blacks go where ever they please. Whites and Asians stay out of black neighborhoods.

I entered a convenience store and saw a group of tall black men loitering around. It was a bit surprising as this was more a white than black area. But as I said, Modern Urban American is either mixed or black, and where ever black men go, they gather into annoying, slinking bands who loiter with no intent other than to loiter, to annoy other people, get in their way, mark territory like tomcats, and in general, make a pain of themselves. I’ve grown to utterly detest these groups of loitering black men.

When I first came to Brooklyn, I would have been very intimidated and walked around them. But after a year of this, I just blew past, or rather, through them. I was totally brazen and had a “#@# you” attitude. They scattered apart. Most amusing was their sullen, little-boy affect. So resentful! But they did it – they gave way to someone who wasn’t afraid of them.

I’m not stupid and I would NEVER have done this in a black neighborhood – not that I would go into a black neighborhood. Nor would I have done this if they had been there for good reason. But they weren’t. The Arab guy behind the cash register obviously hated them. They were just there to get in out of the cold and because they had nowhere else to go.

This is a small, inconsequential story, but it marks a milestone in my evolution as a race realist. A lot of millennials are evolving in ways that might surprise our elders. Give us time. We’re young, we’re learning, and we have a lot of de-brainwashing to do.

Laura writes:

Hanging out on the streets is not in itself a bad thing. Poor men have always done that all over the world. However, there is so much criminality and resentment among American blacks that it’s hard not to view these groups as sinister.

Neil writes:

This reminds me of something I heard a year or so ago.

I have a friend who owns a moderately upscale restaurant.  One day, a black couple came in.  The waitress gave them the wine list.  The man said, “you have a large wine list.”  The waitress said, “Yes, it’s very extensive.”

The man apparently heard “extensive” as “expensive” and inferred that the waitress was implying that the couple couldn’t afford the more expensive wines.  Although she explained herself to the couple, they complained to the owner on the way out.

Sure the waitress, who makes most of her money on tips, went out of her way to offend the clientele.

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