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Penitential Gear, Yesterday and Today « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Penitential Gear, Yesterday and Today

February 18, 2015


Pagans, Jews and, later, Christians wore sackcloth as expression of self-mortification and repentance

The ancient Ninevites, Jews and, later, Christians wore sackcloth as an expression of self-mortification and repentance. The Pope in former times blessed the sackcloth of penitents guilty of grave sins at the beginning of Lent (today is Ash Wednesday).

Cool people today wear athletic gear when they engage in great feats of self-denial. They eat protein bars and drink vitamin water. Fasts last all year long. Sackcloth is expensive.

The desire to repent cannot be eradicated from human nature. Sin is universal.

“Remember, man, thou art dust.”


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