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Rage and Race in a Casino « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Rage and Race in a Casino

February 18, 2015


KARL D. writes:

One thing I have long come to realize about blacks in this country is that they have been weaned from day one to believe that whites are responsible for every bad thing that has or will ever happen to them. They have been taught this from their parents, the media and in school everyday. This blame and hatred is so ingrained that even an act of kindness or consideration can be taken as a slight and reason for a full on nuclear assault. Let me give you one small example that happened about two weeks ago. It’s a little long, but bear with me.

An older retired white woman whom I know likes to go to the local casino once a week to play the nickel slot machines. They also have dances and singers who sing classic old standards. So there tends to be a lot of older folks who go there. It’s almost a substitute retirement community. As the day was winding down she was waiting with a bunch of others for the bus to come so she could go home. As it has been so cold outside they were all waiting inside by the doorway. There happens to be a ton of slot machines near the doorway as well. The woman I know sat down in front of one of these machines next to a black woman (who was playing at the adjacent slot machine), to wait for the bus. The black woman told her that someone was sitting there and playing at the machine. So the white woman said, “Oh. Okay. As soon as they come back I will get up.” Already she could tell the black woman was getting steamed because she did not follow her direct order to leave. Slot machines today are not like the ones of yesterday. They are all electronic. So instead of a roll of nickels or quarters, you get a re-usable plastic card with your name on it that holds credits and you use that to play.

The white woman noticed the name on the card in the machine she was sitting in front of was the same name as the black woman playing the machine next to her. She was playing both machines at the same time. The white woman with a smile kindly said to the black women. “Oh. I see both your cards have the same name. You should have just told me you were playing this machine. I would have gotten up.” So she got up and began to walk away, leaving the seat empty for the black woman to play both machines. The black woman just kept staring at her like she was furious. That’s when she unleashed all Hell.

The following went something like this: “What are you looking at? You don’t tell me what to do! What do you think I am? Your slave? I ain’t your slave you old dried up white bitch!’ At this point she got up, right in the white woman’s face screaming and waving her arms and telling her, excuse the vulgarity, to “Kiss my black ass,” and “Kiss my black p***y”! Now security guards have rushed in to keep this large angry black woman (who moments before mysteriously needed a walker to be able to walk) from beating up this 105 lb, 80 year old woman. Next she was accusing the guards of being racist (one of them was black) and went on to say, “You need to protect the white bitch from me? What do you think I am? Some kind of animal?”

Scenes like this happen all day, everyday in cities across America. Black women are usually the worst offenders of this type of nonsense. They seem as if they are actively looking to have an altercation with someone. Double that if they are white and female. Triple that if you are white, female, older and carry yourself with class and dignity. Lawrence Auster used to say something about black men, that they have ‘toxic amounts of self-esteem with nothing to back it up.’ Or something along those lines. I would say that many black women have toxic levels of low self-esteem, coupled with envy and jealousy towards white women and a hair trigger just waiting to unleash all that venom.

— Comments —

Mark Jaws writes:

Having been on the receiving edge of this [stuff] during my turbulent youth, I choose to have as little to do with black strangers as possible. While many of the middle class blacks whom I know at work or meet while commuting are decent and good folk, I steer clear of areas where blacks have been known – or are likely – to gather. Since one can never tell what will kick off sudden savage syndrome, it is best to carry a concealed weapon. Due to political correctness and the welfare state, there are too many troublemakers like this savage among the general black populace. Truth be told, if it were in my power to wage a magic wand and never have an American welfare black enter my personal sphere of activities, I would do so.

Terry Morris writes:

I would suggest Karl D. pass along to the white lady in question VFR’s Rules on How to Protect Yourself from Black Violence and White Political Correctness.

For cases like the one under discussion whites should rehearse to themselves rule 10(d) in particular, keeping in mind that it is a general rule including certain particulars, but is in no way intended to be exhaustive of every kind or type of predicament one can get himself into when exchanging words with blacks. But one is well advised to simply avoid close contact with blacks in that situation** altogether whenever possible, which is to say never sit down next to them at a row of nickel slot machines; rather, put a good deal of distance between you and them if you feel you must play, or simply choose not to play at all if the only machines open are within close proximity of blacks.

** I would advise avoiding Casinos altogether (and if not altogether, then certainly after dark), since they are nothing but dens and hives that attract the worst sorts of human riff-raff, but I know no 80-year-old woman will ever follow that kind of advice.

Laura writes:

Casinos seduce the elderly. And it’s all supported by the government. The rise of state-sponsored gambling is yet another sign of cultural collapse.

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