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The Racism Industry « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Racism Industry

February 10, 2015


IF whites are guilty of oppressing non-whites then shouldn’t journalists, academics and politicians try to prevent non-whites from entering majority-white countries instead of encouraging mass migration?

Hubert Collins addresses this question:

Leftist pundits and academics are paid to analyze, and the more turmoil there is, the more there is to analyze. The more racism is “found,” whether it be in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or Jesus Christ, the more money is to be made through books, lectures, essays, and classes that denounce racism.

All anti-racist commentators benefit from high racial tensions–real or imagined–since it is their source of income. If America really were as racist as they made it out to be, a reasonable solution would be black repatriation like that of the American Colonization Society. However, if blacks were to flee American racism and return to Africa, leftist pundits would have a lot less to analyze and to mobilize about; it would be an economic disaster for them. African-American Studies programs at universities would close down, the Democratic Party would lose a huge bloc of voters, and it would be hard to fill the pages of The Nation.

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