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Trans-Madness « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


February 8, 2015


IN THE entry on the former athlete Bruce Jenner, who believes he is a woman in a man’s body when he is, and always will be, a man in a man’s body, the reader James writes:

Don’t get me started on these so-called “sex change” operations. It is disgusting — hack doctors taking these disturbed people’s money in exchange for what is essentially elective genital mutilation. “Sex change” is impossible. It can’t be done. “Oh, I’m a woman/man now” sounds absurd. NO, you aren’t. You are now an “it,” a monster of a person. You are left with a non-functional, ruined genitalia, artificial hormones ravaging your body, and a broken mind that the brainwashed masses will tell you is completely “natural” and “normal.”

The forced acceptance is what bothers me the most. We are teaching the current generation that it is perfectly normal to truly believe you are something you are not, and “sex changes” are a viable and good solution to what is ultimately a mental illness. What percentage of post-op transgender regret their decision? We’ll probably never know, because what percentage of them would admit it? A decision that big cannot be taken back, and to regret your “Sex change” would go against the cause. I wonder if there are any regretful post-ops with the courage to speak out against the sex change industry.

If I were to paint myself yellow, believe I’m a banana, and ask all my friends to call me “Mr. Banana” henceforward, I’d be labeled a nut and probably committed to a mental institution. But chop off my penis and believe I’m a woman, suddenly I’m a protected class fighting “such a brave battle.” To even suggest psychological help would be offensive and wrong.

Laura writes:

I’m a medieval queen trapped in the body of a housewife.

No one will believe me. It’s not fair.

Trans-madness, by which I mean the social phenomenon, the social approval of the concept of sex change, an idea which preys on the vulnerabilities of the mentally ill, is just the latest manifestation of mass psychosis and a diabolical war against the created moral order.

— Comments —

Jeanette V. writes:

Yes, there is a website on regretful post-ops with the courage to speak out against the sex change industry.‏

James N. writes:

There are a lot of regretful mutilated people who can’t post to the website referenced by Jeanette V., because they’ve committed suicide.

One news article cites a 41% incidence of suicide attempt or completion. This is almost certainly low, because the LA Times is a prominent cheerleader for this phenomenon.

“Transgenderism” is an interesting subspecies of the “what’s true for you is not necessarily true for me” heresy. It’s very seductive, because on one level it’s a teleology (your and my favorite color may differ without affecting reality) and on another it’s a delusion (this man “becomes” a woman). It’s not an accident that John’s gospel recorded Pilate’s sneer “what IS truth?” as he condemned the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Children who are indoctrinated in schools founded on the principle of “diverse truths” are especially vulnerable to homosexualism as an articulated reality principle.

I do not share the view that this incessant propaganda creates sodomites, but it facilitates acceptance of what we now see all around us.

Terry Morris writes:

The L.A. Times article James N. cites doesn’t appear to me to be intentionally lowering the numbers in an attempt to cover up the extent and seriousness of the suicide rate within the transgender community, as he suspects. To the contrary, the gist of the article is that the extraordinarily high attempted suicide rate within the community is a direct result of discrimination against transgendered people in various forms. Destroyed family relationships (one form of “discrimination”) as a result of transgendered people “coming out” is also said to be a leading cause of the high rate of attempted suicide within the community. The thrust of the article is to educate us about the fact that we are the source of the strikingly high suicide rate among transgenders/gender non-conformists; that the suicide rate will lower in direct proportion to our embracing transgenderism as a perfectly normal, acceptable behavior and life choice.

One citation in the article shows the extent of how disconnected from reality this cult of advocacy of transgenderism truly is. In it a distinction is actually made between [normal] transgenders/gender non-conformists, and their mentally ill counterparts. “Mass psychosis” is exactly right!

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