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Unsettled « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


February 10, 2015


DAN R. writes:

In Sunday’s New York Times, columnist Frank Bruni asks, “Do gays unsettle you?” And my answer?  Frankly, yes.

I am unsettled, first off, by the very use of the word “gay,” a corruption of a word once universally viewed in a positive light.

I am unsettled by the awkwardness of same-sex couplings, clearly not what our bodies were designed for and to which the experience of five-thousand years of civilization attests.

I am unsettled by the fact that the major religions of the world have always opposed the practice of homosexuality. 

I am unsettled by a homosexual culture that breeds frighteningly high rates of suicide, disease, and promiscuity.

And last but not least, I am unsettled by the normalization of this practice, which will have an effect on many young people questioning their sexuality. It’s a rare parent who could honestly say he would be perfectly happy if his child turns out homosexual, and while public opinion and the likes of Lady Gaga pronounce that homosexuals are “born this way,” there is little evidence to support such a belief.

So yes–“gays” unsettle me. What equally unsettles me, however, are the levels of invective used to attack anyone who fails to join in the celebratory chorus. Hello, Brendan Eich…the Barilla family…Dan Cathey…Phil Robertson…, etc. For a host of reasons the homosexual movement has succeeded in intimidating–dare I say–a majority of Americans who simply object to the normalization of homosexuality. In a microsecond we will be told that to be “unsettled” is equivalent to an expression of hate. From the same people who once spoke of “chilling effects” on freedom of speech. If one still has doubts, one need only view the comments following the Times column to see confirmation of the effect. A quick look found not a single commenter in opposition to Mr. Bruni’s column (admittedly, I did not go through all the comments). These commenters appear to represent a uniformity of opinion comparable to the results of Enver Hoxha’s re-election campaigns for the presidency of Communist Albania.

Laura writes:

You write:

I am unsettled by the fact that the major religions of the world have always opposed the practice of homosexuality.

In other words, God opposes homosexuality. That is the supreme unsettling fact.

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