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Why Race Blindness Leads to Racialism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why Race Blindness Leads to Racialism

February 16, 2015


FROM the unpublished writings of Lawrence Auster:

Deep in the American mind there is the ideal of America as a country where advancement is open to anyone, where “it doesn’t matter who your parents were.” The problem with this lovely-sounding ideal of race-blindness is that it can only work within reasonable limits, i.e., when it is applied to groups and persons who, notwithstanding some mutual differences, share a civilizational commonality. Taken literally, it becomes absurd and dangerous. Applied en masse to radically diverse populations and cultures, the ideal of race-neutrality turns out to be not race-neutral at all, but becomes a weapon used by some groups to dispossess others.

I came across a startling example of this hypocrisy in the coverage of the South African election in 1994. Amidst the news media’s euphoria about the “nonracial” or “multiracial” democracy that was supposedly being born in South Africa, Newsweek came out with a sensational cover with bold letters crying “Black Power!” Given the doublethink in which we live today, it is questionable whether more than a handful of people noticed the gross contradiction of celebrating Black Power in a “nonracial” election. However, if we could grasp the real meaning of the term “nonracial” as opposed to its formal meaning, we would see that there is no contradiction at all. What “nonracial” really means is that it is whites who are supposed to be indifferent to race, in order to help nonwhites advance their racial interests.

This same double standard and delusion works across the board. For example, the belief that all the peoples of the world are equal in intellectual abilities is thought to be a race-neutral or nonracial idea, because it is saying that race doesn’t matter. But since the races are not equal in average abilities, this “nonracial” doctrine of equality turns out to be completely racial. It holds that blacks on average have the same intellectual abilities as whites, i.e., it claims that blacks have far greater abilities than they in fact have, and blames white racism for the actual failure of blacks to achieve at the same level as whites. It therefore becomes the duty of whites, until the end of time, to exhaust their wealth and spiritual energy in a hopeless effort to make blacks collectively equal to themselves. Meanwhile, blacks’ unending rage at whites for blacks’ failure to achieve equally with whites results in many blacks automatically acquitting black criminal defendants and even justifying the racial murder of whites as a justifiable response to white racism. Thus the “nonracial” belief in equality turns out to be a justification for black racialism.

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