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A Letter to University of Oklahoma President « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Letter to University of Oklahoma President

March 11, 2015

LYNN writes:

Here is my second letter to University of Oklahoma President David Boren regarding the recent events. Make no mistake, these students’ lives are ruined.

If you are concerned about a hostile environment, no one on your campus should have to hear “Cop Killer,” “N— in Paris,” or any of the many hip hop and rap songs that use the word N—— repeatedly in every song.

How about the lyrics that call for the death of cops?  How about the the lyrics that call for the death of white people.  This music is ingested by black kids like mother’s milk.

In fact, today’s youth, of all races, are marinated in the N word.  They can’t get away from it as it plays on so many radio stations, and hip hop and rap music is the background in so many movies.

These two kids whose lives you chose to destroy grew up in a society where that word is ubiquitous.  I grew up when standards were still practiced and music was elegant and interesting.  I was never exposed to rap or hip hop or the N word.  As an adult, I have been in a car with young children when some vile hip hop song comes on with the regular use of the N word.  I turn the station but the kids hear this crap everywhere.  Are you that clueless?

We have an obesity epidemic amongst American children because their parents have fed them on a diet of fast food, microwavable food, and bags of Cheetos.  For the same reason, we have crass children because they have been fed a popular culture diet of JayZee, Kanye, and other such rappers who promote hate.

How about the extraordinary hate coming from the #blacklivesmatter tweets?  Have you read them? Have you traced any of those tweets back to black kids on your campus?  What about the blog “world star hip hop.”  Blacks upload videos of blacks attacking each other, attacking whites, attacking Asians.  In fact, cops use the website to catch these kids.  Has anyone on your campus uploaded any such violent videos?  If so, why aren’t they expelled?

Someone pointed out that Leftism is a far crueler ideology/religion than Christianity.  Christianity condemns the sin, not the sinner.  It offers redemption, not simply in the hereafter, but now.  You condemned these kids and offered them no redemption.  You illegally closed their house down and illegally expelled them for freedom of speech.

I hope the same attorneys who represented the kids in the fake Duke rape case go after your school and extract millions from you as they did from Duke University.  The kids in the fraternity have an easy case and I’m guessing so do these 2 students.

Your actions represent a double standard.  Black students can call for the death of white cops and call for the death of Darren Wilson and your University is silent.  But a white kid makes a racist comment and you demonize not just the kid, but every kid in the fraternity.  Collective guilt, how Stalinesque of you.  I’m surprised you didn’t send them to a re-education camp or even a gulag where they would die.  Oh wait, we are not yet at the point where small-minded bullies like yourself can murder those who upset your oh so delicate and tender sensibilities.

Your actions, because they are so one-sided, and so unfair, will serve only to increase racial tensions.  As Tom Wolfe described in the Bonfire of the Vanities, there are people always searching for the Great White Defendant.  And why is that?  Because there are self-aggrandizing persons like yourself who seek to destroy people and know that white males are an easy target.

Destroying a human being isn’t cool.  These kids are really young.  What have you condemned them too?  Meanwhile, your black students aren’t saints and if you monitored their speech equally you would be required to expel quite a few of them too.

Lastly, please google Chief Keef lyrics for the song “I don’t like.”  He’s a rather popular rapper (when not in prison) and his lyrics are quite typical of the music young people hear daily.

Laura Wood writes:

All of the points you make about crude anti-white speech are good. It all should be banished from campus.

However, I also think the white students deserved serious punishment, at the least suspension.

There is no reason at all why the whole fraternity should have been punished.

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  • Paul writes:

    I agree the consequence should have been limited to a suspension.  The young fools would have gotten the message: whites can’t demean blacks, but blacks can demean whites.  This is a lesson white college students need to learn under our oppressive liberal government.

    Ruin careers over issuing words that violate doublethink?  I would not have a career if I had limited my words to Big Brother’s acceptable words.  My rough high school fraternity, for example, had a vile fight song that we would chant, which had no racial qualities, just sexual words.

    Lynn’s essay is erudite.

    Doublethink uses lies.  The lie is that American blacks don’t have an awful culture.  The young fools were expressing their opinion in an impolite manner. [Laura writes: Impolite? I think singing about hanging niggers from a tree is more than impolite.]

    I have engaged in fistfights in and out of class, yet no one ruined my career.  So now words are more important than violence?

  • Doug writes:

    You write: “However, I also think the white students deserved serious punishment, at the least suspension.”

    Let them speak their thoughts. Their punishment will be what the Nation individually determines. Not by a Demonrat (whose party by the way had members like: Wallace, Byrd and Black ) . Sorry treat everyone the same especially blacks.

  • Paul writes:

    Of course you are correct “impolite” was an inadequate word.  Note I did not know about the “hanging niggers from a tree.”  All I knew was some college students were speaking disrespectfully about blacks.  This is no excuse for failing to read the whole story, just an explanation.

    I expect they were drinking hard liquor, something I learned to avoid.  It is rocket fool.  It makes people crazy, not lovable.  It irks me to see women on TV and film “doing shots.”  It leads straight to crazy, exacerbated by the vulnerability of women to selfish men.

    When law firms still had Christmas Eve parties for their employees and insurer-clients at their firms’ offices, the only drink available was hard liquor. Beer was gauche. Oh, maybe there was a bottle of wine somewhere.  Well, we had to go into the ladies bathroom, pick up one of our secretaries, go about fifteen floors down, and lay her flat in a station wagon owned by one of the senior partners.  He drove her home. 

    I have many more stories based on hard liquor.  For example, I was awakened at 2:00 a.m., after my date, to carry a longtime and still close friend from my former (stupid, stupid, stupid me for giving up a gorgeous sweet girl) girlfriend’s home and up to his parents’ front door.  She of course knew my number.  I hope this mitigates the feelings some might have for the behavior of the students.